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It was after ten when, cruising purposelessly, without a fare, he swung through the rue Auber into the place de l'Opera and, approaching the Cafe de la Paix, was hailed by a door-boy of that restaurant.

In the evenings there would be a concert, with the artists from the Conservatoire to sing the chorus from Armide, "Jamais en ces beaux lieux," the orchestra performing the symphony in A, and a solo on the horn by Vivier; or else Auber would bring the Opera Comique troupe, Roger, Chollet, and Anna Thillon; or else Arnot played L'Humonste with Mdme. Doche. There were Cabinet Ministers there as well.

Grimston looked round vaguely on the sombre, handsome furnishings, fixing his gaze at last on the lithographed portrait of Mr. van Tromp senior, the founder of the house, hanging above the mantelpiece. "That's all, I think," Mr. Grimston repeated, raising his voice slightly in order to drown the rumble that came through the open windows from the rue Auber. Suddenly Mr. van Tromp looked up.

The Abbé Prévost's famous romance had already been treated operatically by Auber, but his 'Manon Lescaut' was never really a success, and had been laid upon the shelf many years before Massenet took the story in hand.

But this was the sole flight of Auber into the higher regions of his art, the offspring of the thoroughly revolutionized feeling of the time , which within two years shook Europe with such force. Aside from this outcome of his Berserker mood, Auber is a charming exponent of the grace, brightness, and piquancy of French society and civilization.

Monsieur de V said his idea was to make the contrast very strong between the girl and the angel; he certainly succeeded! Monsieur Due played some of what he calls his "Sketches." Every one was pleased; so was he. I sang "Le Rossignol," of Alabieff, in which is the cadenza Auber wrote for me. Princess Metternich played the accompaniment. Then she sang "Ah!

He vows revenge, and in a magnificent, martial finale, which must have been inspired by the revolutionary feeling with which the whole atmosphere was charged at the time Auber wrote , incites the fishermen and people to rise in revolt against their tyrannical oppressors. After a lively chorus, a fascinating and genuine Neapolitan tarantelle is danced.

"The dark tarn of Auber in the misty mid region of Weir!" Mark exclaimed. "Don't you love Ulalume? I think it's about my favourite poem." "Never heard of it," Esther replied indifferently.

The first of these lines has not been broken to this day: Rossini came, and, after Rossini, Donizetti, Auber, Bellini, Meyerbeer, and the rest; and ear-tickler follows ear-tickler unto this day.

My knowledge of the scores of Auber and Boieldieu had misled me into assuming that the French people were entirely indifferent as to whether the mute syllables in poetry and singing were to be sounded or not. Vauthrot maintained that this was only the case with composers, but not with good singers.