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"I was mistaken also, it appears. I fancied you were indisposed, but that was a mere façon de parler, no doubt. My cousin is getting on, isn't she, Starr?" Willa flushed, but Starr Wiley replied easily: "We were just renewing our acquaintanceship, Miss Murdaugh and I met in Limasito, you know." "How unfortunate!" Angie tittered. "Just when Willa was so successfully living down the past, too!

Si j'avais pu vous en parler de vive voix, je vous aurais mieux dit que je n'ai adresse a personne d'invitation formelle, qu'en vous faisant cette proposition je ne veux vous imposer aucune gene, mais que par cela meme votre presence n'aurait que plus de prix a mes yeux. Vous m'excuserez de n'avoir cherche ce matin qu'a vous expliquer ma pensee aussi brievement que possible.

Comme sans cesse j'entendois parler de Mohomet, je voulus savoir sur lui quelque chose, et m'adressai pour cela

The Anglo-Saxon race pervades Great Britain, its cradle, and the Greater Britain extending almost all over the face of the earth, which is the arena of its activities and marvellous achievements. To tell us, therefore, as Mr. Froude does, that the handful of malcontents whose unrespectable grievance he holds up to public sympathy represents the Anglo-Saxon race, is a grotesque façon de parler.

She slammed the door, and I do not know when in my life I was ever so charmed by this simple act. "Then you go to hell," he drawled. "But I tell yer this: the boss said if no one come down to git it, for me to leave it in yer parler." While Echochee had slammed the door she was evidently listening; for now she came out again, a picture of fury, crying: "Don't you put foot here!"

But if I marry now, so long as I didn't do it in hot haste when I was twenty, I must do it with my eyes open. I want to do the thing in handsome style. I do not only want to make no mistakes, but I want to make a great hit. I want to take my pick. My wife must be a magnificent woman." "Voila ce qui s'appelle parler!" cried Mrs. Tristram. "Oh, I have thought an immense deal about it."

Mills, and so home to dinner in our parler, my wife being clean, and the first time we have dined here a great while together, and in the afternoon went to church with me also, and there begun to take her place above Mrs. Pen, which heretofore out of a humour she was wont to give her as an affront to my Lady Batten.

Quant a parler d'aimer mieux mourir, tu oublies que mon affection pour toi est bien au-dessus de toute infirmite corporelle, et que nous aurons toujours beaucoup de bonheur a etre ensemble; du moins je parle pour moi.

On the other hand, to emphasize your meaning parler avec accent is to address their feelings; and the result is always the opposite of what you expect. If you are polite enough in your manner and courteous in your tone there are many people whom you may abuse outright, and yet run no immediate risk of offending them.

The parlor door opened with violence; a thick-set man with a bald head and a red face, followed by a shrewish, thin woman with pinched lips, appeared on the threshold. "I s'pose," said the woman, with elaborate courtesy, "we kin come in our own parler, Miss Simms? Has you resigned your job that you gotta pick out the parler to set in whilst I'm doin' your work for you?"