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Her songs succeed in combining the elegance and lightness of the French school with the appealing simplicity of the English. Her reputation was established with her first publication, the melancholy and dramatic "Sans Toi." Her many succeeding lyrics range from liveliest humour to deepest pathos, and all are thoroughly artistic.

"No!" cried Philip, grasping him furiously by the arm; "it was not done by the states, but by you, and you alone!" Schiller. The words of Philip were: "No,nolosestados; mavos,vos,vos!" Vos thus used in Spanish is a term of contempt, equivalent to toi in French. This glorious accusation was not repelled.

Sacré! It would not take her long to wake up after that! The world was very bright indeed this afternoon, and he burst again into song in company with the voices of the forest people: "Chanté, rossignol, chanté! Toi qui

Si ce monument frêle est de neige et de glace, Nos coeurs pour toi ne le sont pas. De ce monument sans exemple, Couple auguste, l'aspect bien doux pur votre coeur Sans doute vous plaira plus qu'un palais, qu'un temple Que vous élèverait un peuple adulateur.

Ten days after their first appearance off Tsushima, the Toi effected a landing in Chikuzen and marched towards Hakata, plundering, burning, massacring old folks and children, making prisoners of adults, and slaughtering cattle and horses for food.

'Very likely he will be now. 'And she she adores Aylmer. Will she fall in love with Valdez out of gratitude? 'C'est probable. C'est a esperer.... Enfin-mais toi, mon enfant? 'And where is Madame Frabelle? asked Landi. Edith looked at the postmark. 'Apparently she's at Liverpool, of all places; but she may be going somewhere else. I haven't got her address. She says she'll write.

'Twas very singular and sad, but as if in answer to Sir Deakin's cry, we heard the brave fellow's voice; and a famous shout it must have been to reach us over the roaring of the flames "Mon maitre-mon maitre!" he call'd twice, and then "Sauve toi!" in a fainter voice, yet clear. And after that only a racket of shouts and outcries reach'd us.

"Brigit je t'aime, je t'aime. I am infamous, I am a monster, a father to be execrated by all honest men and women, but I love you!" He laid the violin down in a chair and came to her. "Et toi?" he asked hoarsely. The moment had come when she must think, she told herself, but her brain refused to work. The only thing that mattered was that he should stay.

In the relations of master and servant, something of the old regime still survives. The master still says tu and toi to his servant; but if the latter were to take the liberty of replying with the same pronoun, his insolence would be considered quite unpardonable. And yet no people appear to be troubled less with false pride than the class of whom I am speaking.

D.H. Illingworth, Mr. Philip Wilkins, and all her able lieutenants, could have seen the pleasure on the face of this swarthy defender of France. In the next bed was a Senegalais who endeavoured to attract my attention by keeping up a running compliment to my compatriots, my King, and myself. He must have chanted fifty times: "Vive les English, Georges, et toi!"