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If we were only in our own home! It must have been the devil who made us leave it." "How truly splendid the officers looked, mi madre. I dare say Senora Valdez will entertain them." "That is certain. And as for Dorette Valdez the coquette it will certainly be a great happiness to her." Isabel sighed, and the Senora felt a kind of satisfaction in the sigh.

On the 26th of May, Valdez reappeared before the place, at the head of eight thousand Walloons and Germans, and Leyden was now destined to pass through a fiery ordeal. This city was one of the most beautiful in the Netherlands.

"It is not all, Mother of God! it is not all, master!" he stammered, dropping to his knees and still crossing himself. "This morning, beside the corral, they find the horse of Pedro Valdez splashed and spattered on saddle and bridle, and in the stirrup, dost thou hear? the STIRRUP, hanging, the torn-off boot of Valdez! Ah, God! The same as HIS! Now do you understand? It is HIS vengeance. No!

All the trumpets of the patriots now rang out a challenge to their adversaries, and the Spaniards were just returning the defiance, and preparing a general onset, when the Seigneur de Hierges and Baron Chevreaux arrived on the field. They brought with them a reinforcement of more than a thousand men, and the intelligence that Valdez was on his way with nearly five thousand more.

"You speak of Garcia again?" "Yes, my Colonel." "Are you sure of him?" "I am sure." "Very well. Talk to him then. Come back to me afterward, and I'll give you all instructions." The name of the Agha and the name of the place where he lived were ringing through Max's head. Ben Râana Djazerta! The father of the girl Manöel Valdez loved and must save was the Agha of Djazerta.

Under the pressure of the terrible responsibility he endured, and urged by his fellow-magistrates, he had consented, at the meeting of the council, to write to Valdez and ask him to give free passage to embassadors, who were to entreat the estates and the Prince of Orange to release the tortured city from her oath.

An overmastering yearning, mightier than any emotion ever experienced before, surged through his soul, impelled him towards her, and found utterance in the words: "Maria, Maria, my wife, my guardian angel! We have written to Valdez, but there is still time, nothing binds me yet, and with you, with you I will stand firm to the end."

He came finally to Sylvia, and she drifted away with him, her hand resting on his shoulder like a kiss. "I thought you would never come to me," she said in a lifeless voice. "You knew I would," was the response. Her lips said nothing more. But her heart was beating against him; it was speaking to him with clarity, with eloquence. Harboro and Sylvia were taking leave of Wayne and Valdez.

Don John wrote repeatedly to the King, warmly urging the claims of these veterans, and of their distinguished officers, Romero, Avila, Valdez, Montesdocca, Verdugo, Mondragon, and others, to his bountiful consideration. They had departed in very ill humour, not having received any recompense for their long and arduous services.

Barbara mingled in the conversation, Peter, though it was a week-day, ordered a jug of wine to be brought instead of the beer, and an event that had not occurred for weeks happened: the master of the house sat at least fifteen minutes with his family after the food had been removed, and told them of the rapid advance of the Spaniards, the sad fate of the fugitive Englishmen, who had been disarmed and led away in sections, the brave defence the Britons, to whose corps Georg belonged, had made at Alfen, and of another hot combat in which Don Gaytan, the right-hand and best officer of Valdez, was said to have fallen.