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I think its pur cussidness." The Capitol swarmed with people. Groups of legislators tramped noisily along the corridors, laughing loudly, gesticulating with pointed fingers or closed fists. Squads of ragged, wondering, and wistful-eyed negroes, splashed with orange-colored mud from the fields, moved timidly on from magnificence to magnificence, keeping close to each other, solemn and silent.

'But when is he coming? Not Fernan he's an old story. 'Yes, said Felix, walking up to Wilmet to fold together the corners of the sheets they were stripping from Lance's bed, and looking into her eyes so archly as to bring up an incarnadine blush, 'I want particularly to improve my acquaintance, if you don't. What shall we do, Lance? 'Advertise in Pur, suggested Lance. 'The editor returned.

Brother, that will is dated months before this will. And now, as a fellow-man, and as a partner in a friendly move, added Wegg, benignantly taking him by both hands again, and clapping him on both knees again, 'say have I completed my labour of love to your perfect satisfaction, and are you sap pur IZED?

"Now," said Alice, "we are going to have some fun; Captain Desborough has got his brogue on." "Ye'll have some fun directly, Miss Brentwood," he said. "But there's some serious, sober earnest to come first. My cousin, Slievedonad, is dead." "Lord Slievedonad?" "The same. That small Viscount is at this moment in pur . God forgive me, and him too." "Poor fellow!" "That's just half.

It will be seen that I succeeded amply; and I am bound to say I think the passage exceptional in Shakespeare exceptional, indeed, in literature; but it was not I who chose it. "The BaRge she sat iN, like a BURNished throNe BURNt ON the water: the POOP was BeateN gold, PURPle the sails and so PUR*Fumèd that *per The wiNds were lovesick with them."

"I believe that men, taken as men, pur et simple, are the same in all ages, and are open to the same impressions. Why should not modern Englishmen be capable of receiving the same lofty ideas as the antique Romans, and acting upon them?" "Ah, do not ask me why," said Thelma, with a plaintive little shake of her head "for I cannot tell you!

The statement that the earth moves round the sun does not, in itself, stir our pulses; yet what playwright has ever invented a more dramatic utterance than that which some one invented for Galileo: "E pur si muove!"? In all this, to be sure, I am illustrating, not confuting, Mrs. Craigie's maxim.

The seal cutter used black hens and lemons and mantras before. He never showed us anything like this till to-night. Azizun is a fool, and will be a pur dahnashin soon. Suddhoo has lost his strength and his wits. See now!

The Americans declined to grant the terms, and the United States was finally left in possession of the Northwest. Hist. Hist. Consult N.Y. Col. Hist. Pur Trade MSS., in possession of Wis. Hist. Soc.; also Wis. Hist. Hist. Soc. on the Treaty Negotiations of 1782-3, appendix; map in Narr. and Crit. Hist.

I disguise it sometimes, just as my old nurse wrapped the powder in a spoonful of raspberry jam out of the pot which was kept for the purpose on the right-hand corner of the mantelpiece in the night nursery I can see it now. But sometimes they have got to swallow it pur et simple, just as it is."