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Angus McDonald and his Indian Family. Canadian Voyageurs. Father Joseph. Hardships of the Early Missionaries. The Coeurs d'Alêne and their Superstitions. The Catholic Ladder. Sisters of Notre Dame. Skill of the Missionaries in instructing the Indians. Father de Smet and the Blackfeet. A Native Dance. Spokanes. Exclusiveness of the Coeurs d'Alêne. Battle of Four Lakes.

Te rappelles-tu nos bonheurs sans nombre, Et tous ces fichus changes en chiffons? Oh que de soupirs, de nos coeurs pleins d'ombre, Se sont envoles dans les cieux profonds!

And here, finally, with date happily appended, is a poetic snatch, in Voltaire's exquisite style, which with the response gives us the medium view: "Non, malgre vos vertus, non, malgre vos appas, Mon ame n'est point satisfaite; Non, vous n'etes qu'une coquette, Qui subjuguez les coeurs, et ne rous donnez pas."

Jérome a été bête de la quitter." "Ah," said Bonstetten, "si elle n'est pas reine de Westphalie, elle est au moins reine des coeurs."

Sometimes it quivered over Mistress Mary's head, and fired every delicate point of her steel tiara with such splendour that the Irish babies almost felt like crossing themselves. At such times, those deux petits coeurs secs, Atlantic and Pacific, and all the other full-fledged and half-fledged scape-graces, forgot to be naughty, and the millennium was foreshadowed.

But in revising, Corneille changed the first verse thus, "Ces flammes dans nos coeurs sans votre ordre etoient nees." Can anything be more absurd than flames born to order? Yet Voltaire, on his guard against these rhyming pitfalls for the sense, does not notice this in his minute comments on this play.

It was called "Au Coeur d'Arras," because the famous speciality of Arras was a heart-shaped cake; but I wasn't lured there so much by the charm of les coeurs as by that of the person who sold them. I dare say I described her to you in letters, or when I got back to England after that trip. The most wonderful old lady who ever lived! She didn't welcome her customers at all.

What an ending for a maternal epistle is that elegant compliment 'Songez que de tons les coeurs ou vous regnez, il n'y en a aucun ou votre empire soit si bien etabli que dans le mien.* I can scarcely fancy Lord Saxingham writing so to you, Lady Florence." * Think that of all the hearts over which you reign, there is not one in which your empire can be so well established as in mine.

See the enthusiastic eulogy of the persecution of the Huguenots in his funeral oration on Michel le Tellier. It concludes: 'Épanchons nos coeurs sur la piété de Louis; poussons jusqu'au ciel nos acclamations, et disons

"L'amour est pour les coeurs, Ce que l'aurore est pour les fleurs, Et le printemps pour la nature." "Love is a childish disease and like the small-pox. Some die, some become deformed, others are more or less scarred, while upon others the disease does not leave any visible trace." The Alchemist, by C. HAUCH. "Be candid, Otto!" said Wilhelm, as he one day visited his friend.