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As old Lancaster resumed his seat, he smiled grimly under his white beard, and muttered to himself "Sans doute!" "Sir Edward of Langley, Earl of Rutland!" Constance's brother was similarly led up by his father and his cousin, the newly-created Duke, and he resumed his princely seat, Duke of Aumerle, or Albemarle. "Sir Thomas de Holand, Earl of Kent, Baron Wake!"

Orgon still deserves notice from its beautiful situation, and from its having been the place where Buonaparte met with so narrow an escape from the fury of the inhabitants during his journey to Elba. "Vous allez sans doute voir la Pierre Percée," said every body at the inn, whom we interrogated as to what was best worth seeing in the compass of an hour's walk.

For, although she falls short of true beauty, she has such delicacy of outline, of colouring, an atmosphere so ethereal, that one wants a brush of gossamer dipped in moonlight, not coarse canvas, camel's hair, and oils, if one is even to do her justice. Some day I must try water-colours, or pastels. Sans doute ça ira mieux." He was off on his Pegasus now, far above Mrs Mayhew's bewildered head.

She saw the woman's gaze, hard and curious, take in the details of her appearance, from her muddy shoes up to her blood-stained cheek. "I've had an accident je viens d'avoir un petit accident," she explained hurriedly. "Il faut que je téléphone immédiatement." The concierge's face cleared slightly. "Pour chercher un médecin, sans doute?" she suggested. "Bien voici le téléphone."

"Indeed, dearest, it is no scene for little girls to look upon." "And when I am grown up what shall I have to talk about if I miss all the great sights?" "Come to your room, love. You will see only too much from your windows. I am going to your mother." "Ce n'est pas la peine. She is in one of her tempers, and has locked herself in." "No matter. She will see me." "Je m'en doute.

"Pauvres garcons." Jacques, who was a little longer in coming to inspect the derelict, hearing what his companion said, called out for further information. "De quel pays sont-ils?" he asked. "Can you tell their nationality?" "Anglais, sans doute!" was his reply. "Je le crois par leur air." This made Jacques prick up his ears.

"Ainsi," he began, abruptly fronting and arresting me, "vous allez troner comme une reine; demain troner a mes cotes? Sans doute vous savourez d'avance les delices de l'autorite. Je crois voir en je ne sais quoi de rayonnante, petite ambitieuse!" Now the fact was, he happened to be entirely mistaken.

To mull themselves, commit some flagrant error that lands them in the divorce court, or high and dry in the outskirts that is another matter. They repent then, sans doute; and get no mercy. We overlook everything at this apex of civilization but stupidity. We respect the high-handed but not the light-headed.

Her version of the excellent French proverb Dans le doute, abstiens-toi was, When you are not sure, wait which goes a little further, inasmuch as it indicates expectation, and may imply faith. With difficulty she prevailed upon her to take some tea, and a little bread and butter, feeding her like a child, and trying to comfort her with hope.

And on the seat, her sewing fallen into her lap, her lips parted, her eyes staring wide, sat the young lady whom we had seen on the levee the evening before. And Nick was making a bow in his grandest manner. "Helas, Mademoiselle," he said, "je ne suis pas officier, mais on peut arranger tout cela, sans doute."