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"It was a got-up thing and it was too transparent, and so badly acted." "I don't mean that. Do you know that it was all too transparent on purpose, that those... who had to, might understand it. Do you understand that?" "I don't understand." "Tant mieux; passons. I am very irritable to-day." "But why have you been arguing with him, Stepan Trofimovitch?" I asked him reproachfully.

This programme was so very different from that which Dick had planned and carried out on his own account, that Eleanor shrank from the deceit involved in acquiescence. "I'm afraid not," she said. "You see, Dick's young and hasn't got a wife of his own." "Tant mieux, he'd feel the contrast less," replied Lady Eynesford, with airy assurance. "Who did he dance with?"

They all kissed me on both cheeks, and even Hippolyte as he put us into the carriage after I tipped him, remarked, "Mieux vaut épouser un français et rester toujours chez nous, vous êtes trop belle demoiselle pour le brouillard d'Angleterre!"

So much so that I was unduly disturbed, just now, by seeing that clever little doctor it was he, wasn't it, who came up the lawn with you?" "Dr. Wyant? Yes." Miss Brent hesitated again. "But he merely called with a message." "Not professionally? Tant mieux! The truth is, I was anxious about Bessy when I left I thought she ought to have gone abroad for a change.

Tant mieux, toujours, Monsieur, said he, when there is any thing to be got tant pis, when there is nothing. It comes to the same thing, said I. Pardonnez-moi, said the landlord.

Seeing me emerge from the darkness, and cross over towards the spot where he was standing, he drew aside with the air of a man upon his guard, and put his hand quickly into his breast. "I beg your pardon, Monsieur," I began. "What! my dear Damon! is it you?" he interrupted, and held out both hands. I grasped them joyously. "Dalrymple, is it you?" "Myself, Damon faute de mieux."

A neighboring lion had just eaten a Hottentot faute de mieux; and these good Kafirs wanted the Europeans not to go on at night and be eaten for dessert. But they could not speak a word of English, and pantomimic expression exists in theory alone. In vain the women held our travellers by the coat-tails, and pointed to a distant wood. In vain Kafir pere went on all-fours and growled sore.

All the sympathy which the Anglo-Saxon temperament withholds from the histrionism of Lebrun is instinctively accorded to his gentle and graceful contemporary, who has been called faute de mieux, of course the French Raphael. Really Lesueur is as nearly conventional as Lebrun.

If he ever were it would certainly be on the principle of faute de mieux; but many a man has chosen his wife on no better ground than that. Such criticism as he had to make to her disadvantage he could form there and then in the chapel while they were reading the lessons or chanting the psalms. She sat two or three rows in front of him, on the other side of the aisle.

Ferrers to himself, as he undressed that night "I see that my uncle is a little displeased with my aunt's pensive face a little jealous of her thinking of anything but himself: tant mieux. I must work upon this discovery; it will not do for them to live too happily with each other.