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My mother and I were off for Switzerland, to whose white heights and blue Genevan lake she loved to take me, for it was my birthplace, and, in her fond way, she would call me her "mountain boy," and tell an old story of a Colonel who had gazed into his grandson's eyes, and said: "Il a dans les yeux un coin du lac."

Spirit and spectre; embodying the Past, bearing the clue to the Future. 'Yeux de police! laughed Reggie Brooklyn to Mrs. Burgoyne as the procession passed 'don't you know? that's what they say. Manisty bent forward. The flush of excitement was still on his cheek, but he threw a little nod to Brooklyn, whose gibe amused him. Lucy drew a long breath and the spell was broken.

'Peste! cried Narcisse. 'Was the prying wench there? I thought the little one might be satisfied that he had neighbour's fare. No matter; what is done for one's beaux yeux is easily pardoned and if not, why, I have her all the same! 'Nevertheless, daughter, said the Chevalier, gravely, 'the woman must be silenced.

"He is very good; but you must know, dear, that we are the most deserted and disconsolate ladies that ever lived out of a poem. Papa has been home now four days together; but that is for your beaux yeux. We are here for weeks together without seeing him; very often for more than a week." "Where does he go?" "He has a place in London; such a place!

He means to show how powerful he is, how good he is, and how much he is willing to do for her beaux yeux; yes, I see it all now. But we'll be too many for him yet, Mr. Harding;" he said, turning to his companion with some gravity and pressing his hand upon the other's arm. "It would, perhaps, be better for you to lose the hospital than get it on such terms." "Lose it!" said Mr.

"I was wondering why I was placed next to you, for you are the lion of the evening and there are people here of more importance than myself. I knew it wasn't for my beaux yeux." She turned again to Thresk. "So you know my Stella?" "Yes. I knew her in England before she came out here and married. I have not, of course, seen her since. I want you to tell me about her." Mrs.

"I heard you just disavow that." Kitty laughed angrily. "Yes that's the worst of Lord Parham one has to tell so many lies for his beaux yeux!" "You must give it me, please," said Ashe, quietly. "I ought to know where I am with Lord Parham. He is clearly bitterly offended by something, and I shall have to apologize." Kitty breathed fast.

They all began to chaff about the Vicomte; "Il ne chevauchera jamais si loin, pas même pour vos beaux yeux," the Marquise said. Victorine seemed annoyed that any one should expect he would do anything for me. "Evidemment Monsieur de la Trémors ne viendra pas," she said. I saw a beautiful black horse being led about by a groom, apart from the crowd, and I wondered who would ride it.

Ell' prist son teint des beux lyz blanchissans, Son chef de l'or, ses deux levres des rozes, Et du soleil ses yeux resplandissans: Le ciel usant de liberalite, Mist en l'esprit ses semences encloses, Son nom des Dieux prist l'immortalite. That he is thus a characteristic specimen of the poetical taste of that age, is indeed Du Bellay's chief interest.

It was in the spirit of this wisdom that, when a great plague raged at Athens, and every means had been in vain attempted for its removal, Epimenides, as Laertius relates, in his second book, of that philosopher, advised the erection of a shrine and temple "to the proper God." Pleurez, pleurez, mes yeux, et fondez vous en eau! La moitie; de ma vie a mis l' autre au tombeau.