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He is now to have Pleyel's. I heard it two days ago; a capital thing! Peste! il ira loin. We shall have him a senator soon." "Speak for yourself," quoth a ci-devant abbe, with a laugh; "I should be sorry to see him again soon, wherever he be." "Plait-il? I don't understand you!" "Don't you know that Olivier Dalibard is murdered, found stabbed, in his own house, too!" "Ciel!

"Peste!" said Porthos, "if we go on at this rate, we shall only take one hour instead of two." "To go how far, do you say, Porthos?" "Four leagues and a half." "That will be a good pace." "I could have embarked you on the canal, but the devil take rowers and boat-horses!

The music ceased, there came feminine laughter across the water, then Nick's voice, in French that dared everything: "Go away and amuse yourselves at the dance. Peste, it is scarce an hour ago I threatened to row ashore and break your heads. Allez vous en, jaloux!"

"Peste! don't mention such trifles. There is such a thing as business that concerns my agent; such a thing as friendship that concerns me. Allez!"

He broke off with a sigh of rapture. "Peste, you have lost no time. And so, already you know that you find favour, eh! How know you that?" "How? Need a man be told such things? There is an inexpressible " "My good Andrea, seek not to express it, therefore," I interrupted hastily. "Let it suffice that the inexpressible exists, and makes you happy. His Eminence will doubtless share your joy!

"Are you ready, monsieur?" said Monk to Athos, who had turned away, not to expose his face to the light. "Yes, general," replied he. "Ah! the French gentleman!" said the leader of the fishermen to himself. "Peste! I have a great mind to charge you with the commission, Menneville; he may know me. Light! light!"

"But he is dead; I am sure of it." "He was a very contrary fellow and might come back on purpose to have us hanged." "All right; if he comes back you will kill him, you are so skillful and so brave." "Peste! my darling! another way of getting hanged." "So you refuse my request?" "To be sure I do furiously!" The pretty landlady was desolate.

That is Wednesday." "Peste!" said D'Artagnan, "you don't divide your pleasures badly. And Thursday? what can be left for poor Thursday?" "It is not very unfortunate, monsieur," said Mousqueton, smiling. "Thursday, Olympian pleasures. Ah, monsieur, that is superb! We get together all monseigneur's young vassals, and we make them throw the disc, wrestle, and run races.

Patsy realized the folly of arguing with him. "Maurie," said she, "or whatever your name may be, you have been faithful in your duty to us and we have no cause for complaint. But I believe you do not speak the truth, and that you are shifty and artful. I fear you will come to a bad end." "Sometimes, mamselle," he replied, "I fear so myself. But, peste! why should we care?

The colour of their clothes could not be made out with the glass, but it was easy to be distinguished that they had yellow facings; from which I inferred that they were our enemies the English. "Peste!" thought I, "is it possible that these grasping islanders have made a settlement on this place? Where will they go to next?"