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A mot of the Boulevards wittily sums up the results of their puny efforts: "They came to France to give her a king, and they gave her an Emperor."

The last great speech in Parliament, or the newest bon mot, were equally acceptable and equally relished. Her sense of humour and fun made her, at times, forget her own sufferings, and her splendid memory enabled her to while away many a sleepless hour by repeating long passages from the Bible or Milton.

"I guess," retorted Bagby, "that if the king won't regard the law, he can't expect the rest of us to, noways. What 's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, and if there ever was a gander it's him," a mot which produced a hearty laugh from the crowd. "As justice of the peace I order ye to open this door, constable," called the squire.

Humor with the oysters; wit with the soup; repartee with the entree; brag with the roast; knocks for Whistler and Kipling with the salad; songs with the coffee; the slapsticks with the cordials. Between Miss Adrian's eyebrows was the pucker that shows the intense strain it requires to be at ease in Bohemia. Pat must come each sally, mot, and epigram.

His Adventures There. His Return and Tragical Catastrophe. Death of M. de Duras. Selfishness of the King. Anecdote of Puysieux. Character of Pontchartrain. Why He Ruined the French Fleet. Madame des Ursins at Last Resolves to Return to Spain. Favours Heaped upon Her. M. de Lauzun at the Army. His bon mot. Conduct of M. de Vendome. Disgrace and Character of the Grand Prieur. A Hunting Adventure.

It is a decided folly to lose a friend for a jest; but, in my mind, it is not a much less degree of folly to make an enemy of an indifferent and neutral person, for the sake of a 'bon mot'. When things of this kind happen to be said of you, the most prudent way is to seem not to suppose that they are meant at you, but to dissemble and conceal whatever degree of anger you may feel inwardly; but, should they be so plain that you cannot be supposed ignorant of their meaning, to join in the laugh of the company against yourself; acknowledge the hit to be a fair one, and the jest a good one, and play off the whole thing in seeming good humor; but by no means reply in the same way; which only shows that you are hurt, and publishes the victory which you might have concealed.

Gentilshommes, have de goodness to make de face to de right par file, dat is, by files. Marsh! Mais, tres bien; encore, Messieurs; il faut vous mettre a la marche. ... Marchez done, au nom de Dieu, parceque j'ai oublie le mot Anglois; mais vous etes des braves gens, et me comprenez tres bien. The Count next hastened to put the cavalry in motion. 'Gentilmans cavalry, you must fall in.

"That's all settled all over let me pass, good Jacob." Still he endeavoured to stop me. I was not pleased with this interruption. But there was something so beseeching and so kind in Jacob's manner that I could not help attending to him. Had the poor fellow known the cause of my impatience, he would mot certainly have detained me. He begged me, with some hesitation, to accept of a ring, which Mr.

"A présent, un petit mot sur ma santé. In the first place, too great exertion for two or three days after being under sail, certainly retarded my perfect recovery, and, added to the excessive heat of the weather, threw me into a sort of languor that required the three last days' rest and composure to shake off. I am now, thank God! as well as ever; and when I consider that every day shortens my distance from you, my happiness is daily increasing. I have much more to say, mais en voil

It was at once understood that the new conqueror would not remain idle within the crumbling walls of Constantinople. And, indeed, in no long time was published the proud mot d'ordre, "As there is but one God in heaven, so there shall be but one master upon earth." Hunyady looked toward Constantinople with heavy heart.