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It was blue and pinched, for he had just returned from reading the morning service to himself in an ice-cold church, but there was a pucker in the brow that was not the result of cold. The Vicarage porch had fallen down in the night, but he was evidently not thinking of that. He drank a little coffee, and then got up and walked to the window again.

"Is that you, Scott?" she called softly. "Yes; Duane and I did some billiards at the club." He looked up at her, the same slight pucker between his brows, boyishly slender in his evening dress. "You're not going to bed at once, are you, Kathleen, dear?" "Yes, I am," she said briefly, backing into her own room, but holding the door ajar so that she could look out at him.

And perforce she smiled in return, a pucker appearing between her eyebrows. "I mean it," she said. "I came out to tell you so. I know it just isn't possible." "I'd marry you to-day if I could get a license," he declared. "Why, you're worth any woman in America, I don't care who she is, or how much money she has." In spite of herself she was absurdly pleased.

"That would make me laugh," said George, with a smile, "and I couldn't pucker up my mouth to whistle, and I have to do that in my piece." "Then I guess we had better not have the rooster in the play," said Mr. Treadwell. "But since you have brought him we'll let him stay for the practice, and we'll see how he behaves.

Now, as everybody knows, when you have the mumps, if a person even says "pickles," or "vinegar," or "lemons" to you, it makes your throat all pucker up and pain you like anything, and you can't even seem to swallow. Mumps and sour things don't seem to go together. And when the sour lemon juice got in the baboon's mouth and eyes, and some trickled down on his mumpy throat.

Good-day, good-day, the sheep are going so fast I cannot wait. So on she tripped, singing and calling to her sheep, who came every now and then to rub their soft coats against her, as if they loved her. The queen looked after her, and her face began to pucker up. "'Why am I not a shepherdess? she exclaimed, bursting into tears. 'I hate being a queen!

"I had half the hope," said he, "that my cousin had come here; but she'll be in the castle after all, as her father thought." John Splendid gave me the pucker of an eye and a line of irony about the edge of his lips, that set my blood boiling. I was a foolish and ungoverned creature in those days of no-grace. I cried in my English, "One would think you had a goodman's interest in this bit girl."

"I hate that nasty little dog!" said Effie, and her pretty face became twisted into a pucker, "and I don't want to go to bed." "Tut, tut! Puss," said Father Gilder, who was smoking his pipe by the fire. "What! naughty on your birth-day? I thought you were going to be good always after this. I guess she's tired, mother."

"Well, not quite," he answered, slowly; and as he saw his daughter sink back with a pucker of disappointment on her forehead, he knocked the ash off his cigar and in his turn leaned forward over the table. "Sylvia, I want to talk to you seriously," he said, and glanced around to make sure that no one overheard him. "I should very much like one person to come and stay with us."

"'Old feller! don't get into a pucker; there's not a mite of danger, I returned. 'Just hold up a little, and let us have a bit of a talk! "'Well, don't mind if I do, good-naturedly returned the old man. So we hooked on to his establishment, laid her aback in the wind, and, as the sailor would say, 'came to. "'Who are you, anyhow? continued Jacob, getting up and shaking himself.