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Forgetting what a comfort they had been to him the evening before, this while feeling boyishly ashamed and foolish at having had them with him, in a panic he caught them up and flung them, willy-nilly, out of sight upon Cis's couch; after which, looking sheepish, and wondering if Big Tom had, by any chance, seen them, he put away his bedding, filled the teakettle, and reached down the package of oatmeal.

And when her work was finished she had taken her place there, her slim body in its scant black skirt and little white blouse hunched boyishly forward as always across the table.

And back of this was the subtle jealousy of caste. The Westons were "her kind of folks." He was not really one of them. Boyishly he fancied that he would do as a companion when there was no one else available. He was very much in love with Dorothy and did not realize it. And Dorothy was disappointed in him. She had wanted the Westons to know what a really fine fellow he was.

At times he was boyishly gay; then, seemingly without cause, the expectant look of his eyes would fade into one of bewildered confusion and he would sit in silence. I hoped it was the effect of his illness. Jane was happier over this last addition to her collection than any previous specimen.

"There's a place, Kate on the side, too, so you have only to watch what the others do." She hesitated, but he could see the longing in her eyes. He taunted boyishly, "Don't be a 'fraidy cat," at which for the first time they both laughed with something of naturalness. Mr.

A fitting response to Harrington's arraignment somehow eluded him, and before he had found the words he wanted an unexpected interruption came from the Western editor, who had been listening to the conversation with almost painful interest. "Mr. Harrington," he asked, abruptly, "can you write?" Harrington looked surprised and boyishly injured. "Yes, suh," he replied, stiffly.

"It is raining at Soda Sink," persisted Morrison, mildly. "What?" demanded the general superintendent, pulling his pipe from his mouth. Hughie Morrison kept cool. His straight, black hair lay boyishly smooth across his brow. There was no guile in his expression even though he had stunned Callahan, which was precisely what he had intended. "It is raining at Soda Sink," he repeated.

He fell across her shoulder with so stiff a groan that for a moment she thought she had done him mortal injury. "Good old mother," he said boyishly, to reassure her. "Yes; and you'll behave to me like a son," she coaxed him. They talked as by slow degrees the stairs were ascended. "A crack o' the head, mother a crack o' the head," said he. "Was it the horse, my dear?"

She was riding with a bronzed young lieutenant from Fort Washakie. The two ahead rode long without speaking. Then Peter broke the silence impatiently: "You did not really mean that, did you?" He was boyishly hurt at her flippant summing up of his beloved blue country.

"Yes," answered Jack, and he blushed under his coat of tan. "Well then of course it's all right. I am not greatly worried about the transportation from San Francisco to Golden Crossing. It's from there to here the documents will be taken, if at all." "They won't be taken at all!" declared Jack. Of course, he was boyishly enthusiastic. For that one can not blame him.