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The Austrian Government is therefore of opinion that its former assurance to the Washington Cabinet could not be held to apply to armed merchant vessels, since these, according to the legal standards prevailing, whereby hostilities are restricted to organised military forces, must be regarded as privateers (freebooters) which are liable to immediate destruction. History shows us that, according to the general law of nations, merchant vessels have never been justified in resisting the exercise by warships of the right of taking prizes. But even if a standard to this effect could be shown to exist, it would not mean that the vessels had the right to provide themselves with guns. It should also be borne in mind that the arming of merchant ships must necessarily alter the whole conduct of warfare at sea, and that such alteration cannot correspond to the views of those who seek to regulate maritime warfare according to the principles of humanity. As a matter of fact, since the practice of privateering was discontinued, until a few years back no Power has ever thought of arming merchant vessels. Throughout the whole proceedings of the second Peace Conference, which was occupied with all questions of the laws of warfare at sea, not a single word was ever said about the arming of merchant ships. Only on one occasion was a casual observation made with any bearing on this question, and it is characteristic that it should have been by a British naval officer of superior rank, who impartially declared: "Lorsqu'un navire de guerre se propose d'arrêter et de visiter un vaisseau marchand, le commandant, avant de mettre une embarcation

"Around your waist?" says a voice from behind her, and, suiting the action to the word, some one encircles her slender waist with "stout brawny arms." "Guy! I have told you in plain English that I will not allow you to take such freedom with me. This time, I say, 'Je vous difends sirieusementde mettre vos bras...."

He just said he hoped she would wear it for his sake; and when she exclaimed, "Mais, monsieur! ce n'est pas sur ce doigt que vous devez mettre la bague!" he hardly waited to apologise or put it right before he dragged her back to the salon and deposited her with the anxious mothers! Mme. de Vermandoise said she and the Comte nearly had a fit to keep themselves from laughing out loud.

I had taken up another sheet to say something more, I know not what; but the appearance of a fine sheep's-head smoking on the table has attractions not to be resisted. Laissez moi diner, "and then," &c. Madame j'ais bien diner, and j'ai fait mettre mon writing-desk sur le table a diner. La pauvre Celeste. Adieu. Frederica, St. Simon's, September 15, 1804.

J'y vis madame de Valse, très-belle femme, du pays de Bohème, laquelle me fit beaucoup d'accueil. Elle me donna un roussin d'un excellent trot, un diamant pour mettre sur mes cheveux,

[Footnote 7: Chaque nuit on venait en prendre par centaines, pour les mettre sur les bateaux. L

Je ne peux pourtant pas la mettre a la porte, cette cherie" whom she covered again with the gay solicitude that seemed to have in it a vibration of private entreaty: "Don't understand, my own darling don't understand!"

Il est temps de nous mettre en chemin pour Lugo et Galice." Before proceeding, however, to narrate what befell us in this journey to Lugo and Galicia, it will perhaps not be amiss to say a few words concerning Astorga and its vicinity. It is a walled town, containing about five or six thousand inhabitants, with a cathedral and college, which last is, however, at present deserted.

"Le jour quittant la terre pour l'océan, Je dis, priez Dieu, priez Dieu pour votre enfant. Avant que nous mettre en route je crus revoir, Nina! qui pleurait sans doute de désespoir." One could hear the rocking of the boat at anchor, the rippling of the out-going tide. In the second verse the time was changed, the words were hurried and insistent.

M. Klotz propose de mettre en tête de cette addition les mots: "Sous réserve de toutes revendications et restaurations ultérieures de la part des Alliés et des Etats-Unis." Il est ainsi décidé.