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Il instruisit une Nourisse de tout ce qu'elle avoit a faire, & ayant fait mettre son fils dans un pour proprement accommode, il reussit a l'elever & a lui faire prendre ses accroissemens necessaires, par l'uniformite d'une chaleur etrangere mesuree exactement sur les degres d'un Thermometre, ou d'un autre instrument equivalent. Giustinian, ne gli Scritt.

Lord Rockingham said that the presence of Franklin in Paris much more than offset the victory of the English on Long Island, and their capture of New York. Lord Stormont, it is said, threatened to leave sans prendre congé, if the "chief of the American rebels" were allowed to come to Paris.

Beyle declared that he was in the habit of reading several paragraphs of the Code every morning after breakfast 'pour prendre le ton. This again was for long supposed to be one of his little jokes; but quite lately the searchers among the MSS. at Grenoble have discovered page after page copied out from the Code in Beyle's handwriting.

We can now establish a catena of rappings and pour prendre date, can say that communications were established, through raps, with a so-called 'spirit, more than three hundred years before the 'Rochester knockings' in America. Very probably wider research would discover instances prior to that of Lyons; indeed, Wierus, in De Praestigiis Daemonum, writes as if the custom was common.

"Je suis alle hier passer le tantot chez Lewes, on a ete enchante de mes eaux-fortes. George Eliot s'est plainte de ne pas avoir assez cause avec moi a ma derniere visite, et m'a invite a prendre place a cote d'elle. Nous avons parle d'art, de litterature et d'elle meme.

Here, as in all yamens, the detached wall or fixed screen of stone facing the entrance is painted with the gigantic representation of a mythical monster in red trying to swallow the sun the Chinese illustration of the French saying "prendre la lune avec les dents."

This must have been a bitter experience for General Janssens, for it was not only the crowning misery of his defeat but marked the end of his military career, assuming that his Imperial master retained his power in Europe. "Souvenez vous, Monsieur," Napoleon is reported to have said to him upon taking up his appointment, "Qu'un Génèral Francais ne se laissa pas prendre une seconde fois!"

Quand j'allai prendre congé de mondit seigneur d'Autriche et de madame, il me recommanda lui-même

"Do not derange yourselves on my account, ladies and gentlemen; pursue your diversions, I beg! I am not in the habit of spoiling fun. I am a true gentleman, who knows how to prendre son air in whatever company he may find himself. I have the pleasure of introducing myself to your worships as Abellino Kárpáthy, of Kárpát."

The grief of a Frenchman, at least, partakes of his imputed national complaisance, and, far from intruding itself on society, is always ready to accept of consolation, and join in amusement. If you say your wife or relations are dead, they replay coldly, "Il faut se consoler:" or if they visit you in an illness, "Il faut prendre patience."