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And this is the way M. Flourens extinguishes natural selection: "Voyons donc encore une fois, ce qu'il peut y avoir de fonde dans ce qu'on nomme election naturelle. "L'election naturelle n'est sous un autre nom que la nature. Pour un etre organise, la nature n'est que l'organisation, ni plus ni moins.

There was little of comedy in the future Madame de Maintenon; though, after all, there was doubtless as much as there need have been in the wife of a poor man who was moved to compose for his tomb such an epitaph as this, which I quote from the "Biographie Universelle": "Celui qui cy maintenant dort, Fit plus de pitie que d'envie, Et souffrit mille fois la mort, Avant que de perdre la vie.

There was a gap in their number. Daniel's station had been at St. Joseph; but the mission and the missionary had alike ceased to exist. En l'vne il se fit voir en estat de gloire, portant le visage d'vn homme d'enuiron trente ans, quoy qu'il soit mort en l'age de quarante-huict. . . . Vne autre fois il fut veu assister a vne assemblee que nous tenions," etc.

The French author Francois Coppee said of Marie Bashkirtzeff: "Je l'ai vue une fois, je l'ai vue une heure, je ne l'oublirais jamais." I think as far as personality is concerned, this applied likewise to Nelka. As I said before, I saw her for the first time when I was but seven years old. The impression I got then never left me throughout my life and only grew and developed with time and age.

«D'autres fois le sommet de la montagne est plus aigu que n'est celui d'une voûte, et les couches paralelles entr'elles, mais inclinées

"Il ne vient pas deux fois l'oiseau bleu." Toby's lip trembled. She bit it desperately. Her look was strained. She did not attempt to speak. "It is the gift of the gods, chérie." The words came softly at her shoulder, but they pierced her. "We do not cast their gifts away. They come too seldom." She made a quick movement; it was almost convulsive, like the start of one suddenly awakened.

«Ce rocher une fois escaladé, on monte par une pente douce, sans danger et sans fatigue, jusqu'au sommet du Bréven.

I must converse with no one else, even if there is a witty, beautiful and charming woman directly opposite me; and as I talk and listen I must consume some ten or twelve courses or fail to do justice to my host's hospitality. I am given four or five costly wines, caviar, turtle soup, fish, mousse, a roast, partridge, pâté de fois gras, glacés, fruits, bonbons, and cigars costing two francs each.

After we had reached the grass of the outer world again, he made me sketch the entrance to the pit, pointing to the containing wall with parental pride, and standing over the sketch-book and the sketcher with an umbrella which speedily turned inside out under the combined pressure of wind, and rain, and years; a feat which it had already performed des fois, he said, in the course of his acquaintance with it.

I have feared detection mille fois. Yet I did not expect you to recognize me so soon." "You see, I happen to know you rather well," Mordaunt said. The Frenchman spread out his hands protestingly. The excitement of the adventure had flushed his face and kindled his eyes. He looked younger and more ardent than Mordaunt had ever seen him.