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"What's the matter, Heman?" asked the captain anxiously. "Ain't sick, are you?" The congressman started. "Oh, no!" he said hurriedly. "Oh, no! but I'm afraid I've soiled your cloth. It was awkward of me. I I really, I apologize I " He wiped his face with his handkerchief. Captain Cy laughed. "Oh, never mind the tablecloth," he said.

He asked nothing about the appropriation, and the lawyer, acting under strict orders, did not mention it. Only once did Captain Cy inquire concerning a person in his home town who was not a member of his household. "How is er how's the teacher?" he inquired one morning. "How's who?" "Why Phoebe Dawes, the school-teacher. Smart, is she?" "Yes, indeed! Why, she has been the most "

"We must carry in everything we own, and fill up the rest of the space with wood for the fire. I would share my room with Cy, but the old boy couldn't get his ribs through the door!" Natalie was told off for sentry duty. She took up her position at the edge of the shore, where she could report on all that transpired in the other camp.

"Why can't he ever remember to pull down the shades? Cy Bogart and all the beastly boys peeping in. But the poor dear, he's absent-minded about minute minush whatever the word is. He has so much worry and work, while I do nothing but jabber to Bea. "I MUSTN'T forget the hominy " She was flying into the hall. Kennicott looked up from the Journal of the American Medical Society. "Hello!

She tapped the braided mat with her foot. "Captain Cyrus," she said, "if you intended doing nothing toward securing that appropriation why did you accept the responsibility for it at the meeting?" Captain Cy looked up. Her tone reminded him of their first meeting, when she had reproved him for going to sleep and leaving Bos'n to the mercy of the Cahoon cow.

The inscription on this stone, which stands, a little to the right of the communion-table, is simply, "Cy git Marie de Rabutin Chautal, Marquise de Sevigné;" the date of her death, April 14, 1696, annexed.

This morning of late January, two or three weeks after Vida's revelations, Carol had gone into the stable-garage to find a hammer. Snow softened her step. She heard voices in the loft above her: "Ah gee, lez oh, lez go down the lake and swipe some mushrats out of somebody's traps," Cy was yawning. "And get our ears beat off!" grumbled Earl Haydock. "Gosh, these cigarettes are dandy.

The schoolmistress was standing by the center table in the sitting room when Captain Cy entered. "Good evenin'," he said politely. "Won't you sit down?" But Miss Dawes paid no attention to trivialities. She seemed much agitated. "Cap'n Whittaker," she began, "I just heard something that " The captain interrupted her.

To Captain Cy he came, naturally, for encouragement and help, being as was his habit at such times in a state of gloom and hopeless despair. "No use, Whit," he groaned. "'Tain't no use at all. I'm licked. I'm gettin' old and they don't want me no more. I guess I'd better get right up afore the votin' begins and tell 'em my health ain't strong enough to be town clerk no longer.

"You needs some warm underclothes, and I'm thinkin' now you and Toby might take the dogs and komatik and go to Skipper Cy Blink's tradin' store at Deer Harbour, and take three of the marten skins and trade un in for a rifle and what you needs, and Toby can get some things we're needin' in the house." "Oh, I wish we could!" Charley exclaimed.