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Each year began when Edhart bade him a smiling au revoir at the door of the Hôtel des Roses; and that same year did not end, but began again, when the matter of ten or eleven months later Monte found Edhart still at the door to greet him. So it was always possible, the year round, to think of Edhart as ever standing by the door smilingly awaiting him.

"Well, then, au revoir," said he, shaking Prosper by the hand; "perhaps they will find something for you to do down yonder, after all." But the chasseur appeared disgusted with the task assigned him. He sadly stroked Poulet's neck and answered: "Ah, what's the use talking! they kill our horses and let us rot in idleness. It is sickening."

"Au revoir, my brave men," the First Consul would say to them; "baptize for me quickly these new-born," touching with his fingers their sabers of honor. God knows whether they spared themselves!

We shall sup at the restaurant of the Grand Hotel, after the opera for, I did not tell you before, you will have the good luck to hear Patti. Monsieur de Cymier, we shall expect you. Au revoir." He had been on the point of asking leave to walk home with them. But there was something in Jacqueline's look, and in her stubborn silence, that deterred him.

Greet the empress for me, and let me hope that you will stir her heart as you have stirred mine. And now farewell. My time has expired: the King of Prussia expects me to supper. I must part from you, but I leave comforted, since I am enabled to say in parting, 'Au revoir." He bowed, and turned to quit the room. But at the door he spoke again.

"'Thank you for a very pleasant afternoon, Mr. Joy, he called. 'May I say au revoir? "'The same to you, my lord, I answered. 'And the sooner the better. "And that's the last I saw of him.... And now what I want to know is where is he? for I'm after him." "It's a long story," said Kit. The Parson took him by the arm, and led the way into the kitchen.

And you know how I was when we reached home, don't you?... You see, I always had a secretary at the Treasury, and I feel sort of lost without one. So I " "But, darling, of course! I always believe in letting you do exactly as you like. It's the only way.... Au revoir, my pet. Charlie will be frightfully angry with me."

His expression changed, but the effort of it was visible. His smile was forced, and his words, light though they were, troubled her. "We must hope so. Nay, it will come right, dear. Wish me good-by now, or rather, au revoir. My guardians will be getting impatient." They were virtually alone, and he drew from her lips one long, passionate kiss.

Well, I'll go out and get some lunch. Will you be ready in half an hour?" "Yes I've just time to run through these letters." "Very well. Au revoir! I'll be back at half-past two." He went out, and Antonia joyfully pirouetted round the room before settling to work somewhat to the surprise of Barry, who entered at that moment. "Hallo, Miss Gibbs practising the turkey-trot, or what?"

"Your mare understands Japanese, Lady Grace," the Prince answered, smiling. "She and I are going to be great friends. Show me the way, please. Ah, I follow that other horse! I see. Lady Grace, au revoir. You shall have your cup." "Gad, I believe she will!" the Duke exclaimed. "Look at the fellow ride. His body is like whalebone." The parade in front of the stand was a short one.