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"Never," with a coquettish side-glance; "I should like so much to go. I have a foible for the English in spite of that vilain petit Boulby. Who is it gave you the commission for me? Ha! I guess, le Capitaine Nelton." "No. What year, Madame, if not impertinent, were you at Aix-la- Chapelle?" "You mean Baden? I was there seven years ago, when I met le Capitaine Nelton, bel homme aux cheveux rouges."

Chevalier a Cheveux blonds, Plus de Mouche, plus de Poudre, Plus de Ribons et Cannons. Oh, what a dear ravishing thing is the beginning of an Amour! Ela. Thou'rt still in Tune, when wilt thou be tame, Bellemante? Bell. When I am weary of loving, Elaria. Ela. To keep up your Humour, here's a Letter from your Charmante. Bellemante reads.

We again had the chansons; and I recollect one, sung with delicious taste by a handsome Italian-faced youth, a nephew of the writer, the Duc de Nivernois. The duke had requested a ringlet from a beautiful woman. She answered, that she had just found a grey hair among her locks, and could now give then away no more. The gallant reply was "Quoi! vous parlez de cheveux blancs!

How many men, women, and children, do you think drowned themselves in the Seine last year? Upwards of two hundred. This is really shocking, and a stop should be put to it by authority. It absolutely makes me shudder and reflect; but apres nous le deluge was La Pompadour's maxim, and should be ours. Mad. Folard se coiffe en cheveux, and Mad.

The salle a manger was very prettily decorated with texts, and the furniture upholstered with cheveux de horse, Louis Quinze. The boarders were all very quietly dressed: Mrs. McFiggin was daintily attired in some old clinging stuff with a corsage de Whalebone underneath. The ample board groaned under the bill of fare. The boarders groaned also. Their groaning was very noticeable.

There was a sort of cordon stretched before them, which they wearied her with prayers to be permitted to pass, and just to revive themselves by one dance with that "belle blonde," or that "jolie brune," or "cette jeune fille magnifique aux cheveux noirs comme le jais." "Taisez-vous!" Madame would reply, heroically and inexorably.

It was not beyond his vocabulary to explain that "Les pommes de terre frites are absolument all right if only madame will tenir ses cheveux on."

The Comte de la Marck, who knew him well, says of him, "Il était gauche dans toutes ses manières; sa taille était très élevée, ses cheveux très roux, il dansait sans grâce, montait mal

The "Lafayette aux cheveux blancs," as the popular song describes him to be, is, au contraire, a plain old man, with a dark brown scratch wig, that conceals his forehead, and, consequently, gives a very common and, to my thinking, a disagreeable expression to his countenance.

I believe the correct thing is not to wear mourning, but almost all the ladies of the Faubourg St. Germain went about in black garments for some time. One of my friends put it rather graphically: "Si on a un ruban rose dans les cheveux on a tout de suite l'air d'etre la maitresse de Rochefort." All Europe was engrossed with the question of the Pope's successor.