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Floracita's natural taste for drawing had been cultivated by private lessons from a French lady, and she now used the pretty accomplishment to make likenesses of Thistle with and without garlands, of Tulee in her bright turban, and of Madame Guirlande's parrot, inscribed, "Bon jour, jolie Manon!"

Elle est très jolie; and pretty women, like yourself, are always good-natured. 'But has she really worked herself into the confidence of the virtuous Aphrodite? 'Entirely. And the humour is, that Lachen has persuaded her that Lachen herself is on the best possible terms with my confidential valet, and can make herself at all times mistress of her master's secrets.

The giant had recovered, and his mighty cry brought me to my feet, my heart in my throat for "Très Jolie" he roared . . . and coming! . . . coming!! . . . coming!!! . . . I saw the blue and gold! A maniac rose among us and flung his fists above his head. He called upon his gods and then that magic name "Très Jolie," he shrieked: "Oh, Baby Doll!" It was Blister and I marveled.

When I spoke to him, he was unconscious and he never fully recovered his senses. Alas! he lay in a few weeks, beneath the sod of Grand Calumet Island, and France is ignorant of the fact that a true aristocrat and simple-hearted gentleman existed in the humble person of my friend the habitant, Etienne Guy Chezy D'Alencourt, alias "Netty." Descendez a L'Ombre, ma Jolie Blonde.

The variety of scenes and images, the untiring evolution of plot, the kaleidoscopic shifting of harmonious colours, all these seem of the very essence of Arabia, and to coil directly from some bottle of a genie. Ah! what a bottle! As we whirl along in the vast and glowing bacchanal, we cry, like Sganarelle: Qu'ils sont doux Bouteille jolie Qu'ils sont doux Vos petits glou-glous; Ah!

But jolie Manon was lying on the floor of her cage, with eyes closed and wings outstretched. The joyful surprise had been too much for her feeble old nerves. She was dead. "So you are alive!" exclaimed Rosa, holding her sister back a little, and gazing upon her face with all her soul in her eyes. "Yes, very much alive," answered Flora, with a smile that brought out all her dimples.

If you would only bet, I can give you a steer that would put you right and pay all your expenses. Well, this is all for the present. "Resp. "Blister Jones. "P. S. Now, be sure to come as I want you to see the mare. She is sure a good mare." I laid the letter down with a sigh. The mare referred to was the now mighty Très Jolie favorite for the Kentucky Derby.

Hands were thrust at the Dillons from every side, and until we found our box, continued shouts of, "Oh, you Très Jolie!" rose above the crash of the band. I had witnessed many races in the past and been a part of many racing crowds but never one like this. These people were Kentuckians. The thoroughbred was part of their lives and their traditions. Through him many made their bread.

And into the Bobino, its sister music hall of the common people, where the favourite Stradel and the beloved Berthe Delny, "petite poupée jolie," as she so modestly terms herself, bring the grocer and his wife and children and the baker and his wife and children temporarily out of their glasses of Bock to yell their immense approval and clap their hands. I have heard many an audience applaud.

He had pronounced the French phrase exactly as it is written, with an effort at the "J" following the sibilant. "Très Jolie it's French," I explained, and gave him the meaning and proper pronunciation. "Traysyolee!" he repeated after me. "Say, I'm a rube right. Tra-aysyole-e in the stretch byano-o-se!" he intoned with gusto. "You can warble that!" he exclaimed.