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I shall, Sir, and see, here's your Key you look'd for. Doct. Charmante peeps out and by degrees comes all out, listning every step. Char. As he is gone off, enter Cinthio groping. Cin. Now for this lucky Rival, if his Stars will make this last part of his Adventure such. Enter Elaria with a Light. Ela. Ha, Cinthio here? Cin. Ela. Prithee hear me. Cin. Ela.

On this occasion Pinkethman played Harlequin; Hippisley, Scaramouch; Milward, Charmante; and Chapman, Cinthio. The farce was put on as a first piece at Covent Garden, 14 February, 1739. Pinkethman was Harlequin; Rosco, Scaramouch; Arthur, the Doctor; Hallam, Charmante; Hall, Cinthio; Mrs. James, Mopsophil; Mrs. Vincent, Elaria; and the fair Bellamy, Bellemante.

The doctor is bawling for help when the wily servant totters out yawning and rubbing his eyes to explain the whole affair away as a delusion or a vision produced by lunar agency, declaring that there has been a visit from the Moon World of their King and the Prince of Thunderland, who have descended a-courting Elaria and Bellemante.

Bellemante, Harlequin, Cinthio's Man, Mr. Jevern. Officer and Clerk. Elaria, Daughter to the Doctor, Mrs. Cooke. Bellemante, Niece to the Doctor, Mrs. Mumford. Florinda, Cousin to Elaria and Bellemante. Mopsophil, Governante to the young Ladies, Mrs. Cory. The Persons in the Moon, are Don Cinthio, Emperor; Don Charmante, Prince of Thunderland.

The Song continues while they descend and land. They address themselves to Elaria and Bellemante. Doctor falls on his Face, the rest bow very low as they pass. They make signs to Keplair. Kep. Doct. I cannot, Sir, behold his Mightiness the Splendor of his Majesty confounds me. Kep. You must be moderate, Sir, it is expected. Doct. Shall I not have the Joy to hear their heavenly Voices, Sir? Kep.

At Covent Garden, where it was billed 'not acted 10 years', and produced as a first piece at considerable expense with magnificent decorations, Cushing played Harlequin; Dunstall, Scaramouch; Sparks, Baliardo; Ryan, Charmante; Delane, Cinthio; Peg Woffington, Bellemante; and the Bellamy, Elaria. It was, however, a dead failure and only acted twice.

Pox on't, what Fools are we, we cou'd not know one another by Instinct? Scar. Well, well, dispute no more this clear Case, but let's hasten to your Mistresses. Cin. I'm asham'd to appear before Elaria. Char. And I to Bellemante. Scar.

At the entrance of the Candle, Charmante slipt from Cinthio into the Closet. Cinthio gropes to find him; when Mopsophil and Elaria, hearing a great Noise, enter with a Light. Cinthio finding he was discovered falls to acting a Mad-man, Scaramouch helps up the Doctor, and bows. Ha, a Man, and in my House, Oh dire Misfortune! Who are you, Sir? Cin.

SCENE III. The Last. The Gallery richly adorn'd with Scenes and Lights. Enter Doctor, Elaria, Bellemante, and Mopsophil. Soft Musick is heard. Bell. Ha Heavens! what's here? what Palace is this? No part of our House, I'm sure. Ela. 'Tis rather the Apartment of some Monarch. Doct. I'm all amazement too; but must not show my Ignorance. Yes, Elaria, this is prepar'd to entertain two Princes. Bell.

Well, for the future, let us have fair play; no Tricks to undermine each other, but which of us is chosen to be the happy Man, the other shall be content. Scar. 'Slife, let's be gone, lest we be seen in the Ladies Apartment. Enter Elaria. Ela. How now, how came you here? Ela. But what if any one by my Father's Order, or he himself should by some chance surprize us? Scar.