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More than thirty years have passed since the festive evening described by Sir George Trevelyan in The Ladies in Parliament: "When, over the port of the innermost bin, The circle of diners was laughing with Phinn; When Brookfield had hit on his happiest vein. And Harcourt was capping the jokes of Delane."

Delane, combined the brain of a man of science with the passion of motherhood. She had spent her life in the educational service of a great municipality, varied by constant travel and investigation; and she was now pensioned and retired. But all over England those who needed her still appealed to her; and she failed no one.

"Betcha life!" She paused once more. It was some moments before she could bring herself to speak. She managed it at last. "I beg your pardon," she said. "Mine, ma'am?" said Steve grandly. Five minutes before, the idea that he could ever speak grandly to Lora Delane Porter would have seemed ridiculous to him; but he was surprised at nothing now. "And the young wom And the future Mrs.

Delane, went about much in society; he always appeared to be calm, untroubled, inscrutable, though the factions were warring fiercely and bitterness had reached its height. He scarcely ever missed his mark; and, when he strolled into his office late in the evening, his plan was ready for the morrow's battle.

As Delane came up with him, he looked up and asked for a light. Delane produced a match, and the young man, by the help of it, inspected his broken machine. "No go!" he said with a shrug, "I shall have to walk." He rose from the ground, put up the tool he had been using, and buttoned up his coat. Then he asked Delane where he was going.

In valuation, it is wrong that men from the north should be sent to value in the south, or vice versâ, and to prove that I cited the example of my tenant, Anne Delane. Her rent was fixed first term in 1883 for £34, 10s. In 1896, for second term, the sub-Commissioner fixed it at £23, 10s., and on appeal it was raised to £25. Mr.

That Lora Delane Porter should have retired from active interference with his concerns was much; but that he should have had the incredible good fortune to be freed from the burden of John Bannister's money was more. If ever money was the root of all evil, this had been. It had come into his life like a poisonous blight, withering and destroying wherever it touched.

"Dick Tanner, they called him, was a man an artist chap who lived not far from the man I was with and I once saw a lady there just like Miss Henderson." "Did you?" Dempsey grew bolder. "Only it couldn't have been Miss Henderson, you see because this lady I saw was a Mrs. Delane. But was Mrs. Delane perhaps a relation of Miss Henderson? She was just like Miss Henderson."

Delane could hear the movements of the labourer, and the munching of the cows. A little farther on was the stable, and two horses' heads, looking pensively out from the open half of the door. Delane peered into the stable with the eye of one to whom all farming matters were familiar. Three fine horses d -d fine horses! must have cost £100 a piece at least.

Snell, Hazlewood, and Delane, solicitors, of Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, he would hear of something to his advantage, had called and heard something very much to his advantage. Wherefore we find him, on this night of July, supping in lonely magnificence at the Savoy, and feeling at the moment far less conscious of the magnificence than of the loneliness.