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"Talk about your Mont Blancs!" he exclaimed, pausing in the midst of greeting them to survey the mighty panorama. "But there's nothing on all the earth, nor over it, nor under it, to compare with this!" Then he recollected himself and thanked them for coming to his aid. No, he was not hurt or injured in any way.

The shrug of the shoulder, the genial contempt of one conscious of an infinite superiority how clear it is. One is reminded of a verse of Verlaine Je suis l'empire a la fin de la decadence qui regarde passer les grands barbares blancs But Sidonius's good nature was to be rudely shaken.

William, and at No. 14 Rue des Guillemites some remains of their monastery may yet be seen. The church of the Blancs Manteaux, rebuilt in the seventeenth century, also exists in the street of that name. In 1217 the first of the Dominicans were seen at Paris. On the 12th of September seven preaching friars, among whom were Laurence the Englishman and a brother of St.

Enfin, voyez . . . Qu'est-ce que je voulais dire? Qu'est-ce que c'etait? Ah! je m'en souviens! . . . Salome! Non, venez plus pres de moi. J'ai peur que vous ne m'entendiez pas . . . Salome, vous connaissez mes paons blancs, mes beaux paons blancs, qui se promenent dans le jardin entre les myrtes et les grands cypres.

"Le vous demands pardon," said I, with a most abject salaam to my saddle bow. He knit his brows and shut his teeth hard, as he ground out between the glancing ivory, "Sacre! voila ces foutres blancs la," clutching the hilt of his couteau firmly all the while. I thought he would have struck me. But Mr S coming up, mollified the savage, and we rode on. The tafia estate was a sore affair.

He took the poor Count for a sharper; and prudently advised M. de la Crochardiere not to be duped by him. It was unluckily the good Marechal that proved to be duped. He was born for surprise. His white hair, his gray beard, Formed a reverend exterior. Il etait ne pour la surprise. Ses cheveux blancs, sa barbe grise, Formaient un sage exterieur.

Tycho is situated in south lat. 43° and east long. 12°. Its centre is occupied by a crater more than forty miles wide. It affects a slightly elliptical form, and is inclosed by circular ramparts, which on the east and west overlook the exterior plain from a height of 5,000 metres. It is an aggregation of Mont Blancs, placed round a common centre, and crowned with shining rays.

Madame Chebe, a thorough Parisian, sighed for the narrow streets of the Marais, her expeditions to the market of Blancs- Manteaux, and to the shops of the quarter.

Separated from her husband by the barriers frequently placed by the political and fashionable life of the great world between married people, she believed him slightly indisposed, nervous more than anything else; and had so little suspicion of a catastrophe that at the very hour when the doctors were mounting the great, dimly lit staircase at the other end of the palace, her private apartments were being lit up for a girls' dance, one of those bals blancs which the ingenuity of the idle world had begun to make fashionable in Paris.

We again had the chansons; and I recollect one, sung with delicious taste by a handsome Italian-faced youth, a nephew of the writer, the Duc de Nivernois. The duke had requested a ringlet from a beautiful woman. She answered, that she had just found a grey hair among her locks, and could now give then away no more. The gallant reply was "Quoi! vous parlez de cheveux blancs!