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"My child, we once were children, two children happy and small; we crept in the little hen-house and hid ourselves under the straw." "Kikerikueh! sie glaubten Es waere Hahnen geschrei." "...It's all very well, Mary, I can't go on reading Heine to you for ever. And apres?" He had taken her on his knees. That happened sometimes.

Were not her words, nearly 500 years later, echoed by Renan when he says, “Après Jésus, c’est Marie de Magdale qui a le plus fait pour la fondation du Christianisme”? L’Epistre au Dieu d’Amours is an extraordinary product of worldly wisdom and common sense, seasoned with satire.

Madelon, driven into her last intrenchments by the sophistries of the wily aristocrat, objected timidly, "Mais, Monseigneur, j'aime mon mari." For a moment the Marquis was surprised, and seemed to reflect. Then he said, "Tiens tu aimes ton mari? C'est bizarre: mais après tout ce n'est pas defendu." As he spoke, he smiled upon his simple vassal evidently wavering between amusement and compassion.

The heir of the Osbaldistones continued his reflections. He didn't 'give a damn' for his ancestors, for what had they done save bring him into the world a doubtful blessing? 'Après moi le Déluge, murmured he to himself with a cynical smile, as he ensconced himself deeper in the recesses of his armchair and drank deep from the glass by his side.

Peu après j'arrivai

'Un peu trop d'amour-propre, Frederick wrote to Darget, 'l'a rendu trop sensible aux manoeuvres d'un singe qu'il devait mépriser après qu'on l'avait fouetté. But now the monkey had been whipped, and doubtless all would be well. It seems strange that Frederick should still, after more than two years of close observation, have had no notion of the material he was dealing with.

No wonder that the worthy Duc de Gramont doats on his grandchildren, and never seems so happy as with his excellent son and daughter-in-law. Went to the Vaudeville Théâtre last evening, to see the new piece by Scribe, so much talked of, entitled Avant, Pendant, et Aprés.

It had been enlarged by the Regent d'Orléans, who gave it to his daughter, the Duchess de Berri; and it, was the frequent scene of the orgies of that infamous father and daughter, while more recently it had been known as the Parc aux Cerfs, under which title it had acquired a still more infamous reputation. "Après le dîner il y eut appartement jeu, et la fête fut terminée par un feu d'artifice."

Celui-ci, après avoir pris une part très-active tant aux affaires d'Arménie qu'aux guerres qu'elle eut

"You remember your poem, Pen, of Ariadne in Naxos," Warrington said; "devilish bad poetry it was, to be sure." "Apres?" asked Pen, in a great state of excitement. "When Theseus left Ariadne, do you remember what happened to her, young fellow?" "It's a lie, it's a lie! You don't mean that!" cried out Pen, starting up, his face turning red.