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As for the furrow in the nose, as mentioned by Youatt, no reference is made to it in connection with this species, and in the engraving the nose is square. But in describing another variety, known in France as coming from Spain, 'Baudrillart' states, that they are vulgarly called "a deux nez, parceque ce chien a les narines separees par une gouttiere." As for Mr.

"Mais mais " he puffed and panted like a very old and fat person trying to persuade a bicycle to climb a hill "mais vous avez de la chance!" "I suppose I have," I said without enthusiasm. "Mais mais parfaitement vous avez de la chance uh-ah uh-ah parceque comprenez-vous votre camarade ah-ah a attrape prison!" "Uh-ah!" I said wearily. "Whereas," continued Monsieur, "you haven't.

To the Sous-Préfet de Pontoise. J'ai ordonné qu'on vous fasse prisonnier, parceque, ayant envoyé une réquisition

Pas tant de belles phrases, mais du pain, du pain, il n'y a point ici de conspirateurs nous demandons du pain parceque nous avons saim." "Bread, bread, rogue! what have you done with our money? Fine speeches won't do 'tis bread we want. There are no conspirators among us we only ask for bread, because we are hungry." See Debates of the Convention.

Heffy's in it, too. Ti-ra-la-la-i-tu! I gloat! Hear me! Come on!" "Aves?" said Beetle. "Of course, but I'm not smokin' aujourd'hui. Parceque je jolly well pense that we'll be suivi. We'll go along the cliffs, slow, an' give Foxy lots of time to parallel us up above." They strolled towards the swimming-baths, and presently overtook King. "Oh, don't let me interrupt you," he said.

Other people have invented book-plates, containing fell curses in doggrel Latin or the vernacular on the careless or dishonest borrower: "Aspice Pierrot pendut Parceque librum non a rendu" is the kind of macaronic French and Latin which schoolboys are accustomed to write under a sketch of the borrower expiating his offences on the gallows.

When again I had the honour of being in the presence of the Duchess, she inquired whether the hunt amused me; and upon my telling her that I had been unable to go, in consequence of the want of the required uniform, the Duchess archly remarked "Ah! M. le Capitaine, parceque vous n'avez pas jamais des culottes."

The opinion of my Catholic acquaintance concerning my spiritual prospects was somewhat naively expressed to me on one occasion. A pensionnaire, to whom I had rendered some little service, exclaimed one day as she sat beside me: "Mademoiselle, what a pity you are a Protestant!" "Why, Isabelle?" "Parceque, quand vous serez morte vous brulerez tout de suite dans l'Enfer." "Croyez-vous?"

I have written such tomes to Mr. Conway, Madam, and so nothing new to write, that I might as well, methinks, begin and end like the lady to her husband; "Je vous écris parceque je n'ai rien

'That's just why I am happy with you, Masha interrupted him impulsively: 'because you are a gentle, good-hearted person, because you are incapable... parceque vous avez de la delicatesse. One can say that to you: you understand French. Kister did understand French, but he did not in the least understand Masha.