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"Well, here we are snug at last," said Lady Esmondet, as they rolled along to their hotel in a comfortable carriage; "and I am not sorry, for je suis tres fatiguee. But I am really sorry Roland has gone; you will have to exert yourself, Lionel, if you don't want us to miss him, for we shall be altogether at your tender mercy."

Sur les grils et dans les cass'roles Sautent le veau, et les oeufs et les soles. Le bon vin rouge et l'Saint-Marceaux Feront gaiment galoper nos pinceaux! Digue, dingue, donne! L'heure sonne. Digue, dingue, di.... C'est midi! Voici vos peintres, Dam' jolie Qui vont pour vous debiter leur folie. Ils ont tous lache l'escabeau Sont frais, sont fiers, sont propres et tres beaux!

These sayings were duly reported to Lodovico by his own friends at the French court, and chief among them M. de Trano, a Provençal gentleman who was in constant correspondence with Milan, as well as by the Duke of Ferrara's envoy. Ercole himself is described by French agents as "très attaché

"Ces fentes se sont faites, et ont été remplies, dans la mer; puisque les matières qui les remplissent sont de la classe de ses dépôts très connoissables, et qu'il contiennent des dépouilles marines. Mais ce qui embarrasse alors c'est que les autres filons ne soyent pas dans le même cas. N'est ce point l

And then Annette turned to him and said: "Those two people, Soames; they know you, I am sure. Who are they?" Soames nosed sideways. "What people?" "There, you see them; just turning away. They know you." "No," Soames answered; "a mistake, my dear." "A lovely face! And how she walk! Elle est tres distinguee!" Soames looked then.

Martin's Cove near Cape Horn; the third at Port Desire in Patagonia; the fourth at anchor in a wild harbour in the peninsula of Tres Montes, this fifth here, and the next, I trust in Providence, will be in England. We attended divine service in the chapel of Pahia; part of the service being read in English, and part in the native language.

This outlaw pleaded with Sire Raimbaut to head the tatters of Lovain's army, and showed Raimbaut how easy it would be to wrest Venaissin from Prince Guillaume. "We cannot save Lovain," de Vemoil said, "for Guillaume has him fast. But Venaissin is very proud of you, my tres beau sire.

"Sometimes," she said, "young men say ’très chic.’ It depend on when and how one says it." "Are there times when it is all right for me to say it?" he inquired. "Yes, I think so.... How are your mules today?" "The same," he said, " ready to bite or kick or eat their heads off. The Remount took two hundred this morning." "I saw them pass," said the girl.

The name of a score or more of desirable branches of knowledge were printed in a table, and the pupil's progress in each was marked by the professor. In Greek Georgie was pronounced Aristos, in Latin Optimus, in French Très bien, etc.; and everybody had prizes for everything at the end of the year. Even that idle young scapegrace of a Master Todd, godson of Mr.

Well, he will be bon compagnon for Juliette, and Madame too, she like the big better than the leetle. Il est beau et il a l'air intelligent, n'est ce pas, Madame?" he added confidentially. "Bien beau et tres intelligent," she replied, observing that Godfrey was engaged in retrieving his overcoat which he had left in the carriage.