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The district of Venaissin, still belonging at that time to the pope and being governed by a vice-legate, was considered as foreign territory.

But the vast territories of Avignon, Venaissin, Bologna, Ferrara, and the Romagna representing fully a third of all the Papal dominions which had been forcibly ceded to France under Napoleon, was never restored to the Roman See.

Yes, I have my spies in every rat-hole. I am aware that my barons hate me, and hate Philibert almost as bitterly, and that, in fine, a majority of my barons would prefer to see you Prince in my unstable place, on account of your praiseworthy molestations of heathenry. Oh, yes, I understand my barons perfectly. I flatter myself I understand everybody in Venaissin save you."

I must, therefore, relinquish Vaquieras and take eternal leave of Venaissin. I will not lose the right to call myself your servant!" he cried out "and that which is noblest in the world must be served fittingly. And so, Belhs Cavaliers, let us touch palms and bid farewell, and never in this life speak face to face of trivial happenings which we two alone remember.

"I am no haggler. . . . But you have never comprehended me, not even in the old days when we loved each other. For instance, do you understand slave of a spoken word! what it must mean to me to know that at this hour to-morrow there will be alive in Venaissin no person whom I hate?" Messire de Vaquieras reflected. His was never a rapid mind.

Peire Vidal, with the majority of the troubadours, shows himself a vigorous supporter of Alfonso. Referring to this same expedition of 1183 he asserted "Had I but a speedy horse, the king might sleep in peace at Balaguer: I would keep Provence and Montpelier in such order that robbers and freebooters should no longer plunder Venaissin and Crau.

Lying on the Rhone, and almost surrounded by the papal Venaissin, is a tiny principality of less than forty thousand acres. This small state has given title to more than one distinguished European who never entered its borders, and who was alien to it not only in birth, but in language and family.

Gregory XI, the last of the "French Popes," returned to Rome, and at his death the "Great Schism" followed; Clement VII, in Avignon, was recognised by France, Spain, Scotland, Sicily, and Cyprus; Urban VI, in Rome, by Italy, Austria, and England. The County Venaissin was ravaged by wars and the pests that come in their train.

I freely yield you all my right in Venaissin. Oh no, kingcraft is not for me. I daily see and hear of battles won, cities beleaguered, high towers overthrown, and ancient citadels and new walls leveled with the dust. I have conversed with many kings, the directors of these events, and they were not happy people.

Composedly, like a lieutenant before his captain, Mahi narrated how these hunted remnants of Lovain's army had, as a last cast, that night invaded the chateau, and had found, thanks to the festival, its men-at-arms in uniform and inefficient drunkenness. "My tres beau sire," Messire de Vernoil ended, "will you or nill you, Venaissin is yours this morning.