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The croupiers were making up a heavy packet of coins, sealed in blue paper, and containing fifty ten gulden pieces, together with an unsealed packet containing another twenty. I handed the whole to the old lady in a money-shovel. "Faites le jeu, messieurs! Faites le jeu, messieurs!

Then a stick cracked under his foot; I gave him a poke in the ribs. When we got to the land between the lake at D, Sousi pointed and said, "They are here." We sneaked with the utmost caution that way it was impossible to follow any one trail and in 200 yards Sousi sank to the ground gasping out, "La! la! maintenon faites son portrait au taut que vous voudrez."

"Madame la baronne von Döring!" he announced obsequiously. Brother and sister exchanged a rapid glance. "Now is our opportunity to make sure," said Kallash, with a smile. "If it is she, I shall recognize her by her voice," whispered Princess Anna. "Shall I remain here or go?" "Remain in the meantime; it will be a curious experience. Faites entrer!" he added to the footman.

"Monsieur, vous me faites mal; de grace lachez un peu ma main droite." In truth I became aware that I was holding the said "main droite" in a somewhat ruthless grasp: I did as desired; and, for the third time, asked more gently "Frances, how much regard have you for me?" "Mon maitre, j'en ai beaucoup," was the truthful rejoinder.

B 's son, who was nursed at a peasant's house, happening one day, after he was brought home, to be in disgrace with his father, who threatened to correct him, the child ran for protection to his mother, crying, "Faites sortir ce vilaine Malbroug," "Turn out that rogue Marlborough."

Or in fear and trembling it is suggested is it because they are not able to amuse their womankind? Is their refusal a testimonium paupertatis ingenii? No perish the thought! It may have been so a long time ago, in the Golden Age. This is not the Golden Age; it is the Age of Gold. Messieurs! faites votre jeu! By degrees it became evident that Margaret wanted to talk about Russia, and Mr.

Playing many hours every day in the year but Good-Friday, and always with other people's money, these men had parted with passion, and almost with sensation; they had become skillful automata, chanting a stave, and raking up or scattering hay-cocks of gold, which to them were counters. It was with the monotonous voice of an automaton they intoned: "Faites le jeu, messieu, messieu."

Round a large table covered with a carpet of green cloth, which was divided by lines and figures, some men were seated on high chairs, making them appear like officers; others, on lower chairs, or simply standing about the table, pushed or picked up the louis and bank bills on the green cloth, and a strong voice repeated, in a monotonous tone: "Messieurs, faites votre jeu! Le jeu est fait!

With the rakes the croupiers collected the stakes of certain players; with these same rakes they doubled, separated, or even paid, in proportions of which he took no account, certain others, and that was all. But it mattered little. Having seen how the money was placed on the table, that was sufficient. He had five louis in his hand when the croupier said: "Messieurs, faites votre jeu."

The gambling tables, crowded even at three o'clock on an October afternoon, answer our question. The season begins later, but gamblers cannot wait. "Faites le jeu, messieurs; messieurs, faites le jeu," is already heard from noon to midnight, and the faster people ruin themselves and send a pistol shot through their heads, the faster others take their place.