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The interest on Lord Granard's estate, the valuation of which was five guineas, was sold for £280, and the fee-simple subsequently bought for £80. On one of his own farms for which the tenant paid £65 annual rent, the tenant's interest fetched £750 and auction fees. A farm at Curraghila, near Tralee, annual rent £70, Poor Law valuation, £51, 10s., area stat. 73 acres.

If an army of about 280,000 of our men and women were to perish in a spectacular manner each year it would cause such sorrow and indignation that a remedy would soon be found. But we are so accustomed to the procession of little caskets to the grave that it hardly arouses comment. It costs too much in every way to produce life to waste it so lavishly.

Finally I picked out one that seemed to present the most marked characteristics and missed him clean at 280 yards. Then I took three shots at 180 yards to down a second choice. The poor shooting was forgotten, however, in our determination that this was indeed Neumanii. A vain hunt for lions occupied all the next day.

"No," said Hilbert, contemptuously, "not Bobby Livingston. Hilbert Livingston." "O, never mind," said the Colonel; "it's all the same thing. Bobby means boy." The plan of the lottery was this: It was generally supposed that the ship's run would be about 270 miles; and it was considered quite certain, as has already been stated, that it would not be more than 280, nor less than 260.

Babies stand it no better, and the only proof of this fact needed is that in the United States at least 280,000 babies under one year of age perish annually. During babyhood nearly all troubles are nutritive ones.

Lord Kames wrote one, which is published in Chambers's Traditions of Edinburgh, ed. 1825, i. 280. In it he bids the traveller to 'indulge the hope of a Monumental Pillar. See ante, iii. 85; and v. 154. He however did break through his rule in his epitaph in Streatham Church on Mr. Thrale, where he says: 'Abi viator. Ib. i. 154.

It is of gray stone, with a high tower called the Queen's Tower, rising to a height of 280 feet; in this is a peal of bells, ten in number, called after members of the royal family, and presented by an Australian lady.

At the rate of 280 to the square mile he reckoned that they could easily contain 8,078,102,266,080 people.

I wish you could see my gracious Lord's picture; I think it would please you. I have worked at it straight on for a year and gained very little by it; for I only get 280 Rhenish gulden for it, and I have spent all that in the time. NUeRNBERG, August 24, 1508. Now I commend myself to you.

This is the celebrated Pitt diamond, of which we have heard so much: but its weight is exceeded by that of the diamond purchased by the late empress of Russia, which weighs 194 carats; not to speak of the more famous diamond, in possession of the Great Mogul, which is said to weigh 280 carats. Paris, October 24, 1801. Last night I received yours of the 20th ult. and as Mr.