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About 260 of these rufffians were being carried gratis, by some charitable merchant, in a Sambuk that lay at the harbour-mouth. A party had lately slaughtered a camel, of course not their own property; and yet they wondered that the Bedawin shoot them.

There is as much malignity amongst us as can well subsist without any thought of daggers or poisons. Piozzi Letters, ii. 93. See ante, i. 187. See post, p. 421, and Feb. 27, 1784. See ante, i. 260, and post, June 4. 1781. He wrote to Mrs.

All things are possible to him that believes; and where all things are possible, there is a kind of omnipotency. The inquiries and debates concerning tonnage and poundage went hand in hand with these theological or metaphysical controversies. * Essay of Atheism. Rushworth, vol. i. p. 646. Parl. Hist. vol. viii. p. 260. * Rushworth, vol. i. p. 655. Parl. Hist. vol. viii. p. 289.

LANG'S New South Wales, vol. ii. p. 260. If any reader of this passage should feel disposed in his heart to help in a good work, which greatly needs his assistance, let him take at once his humble mite, or his large offering, as the case may be, to the clergyman of his parish, or to the office, 79, Pall Mall, London, for the use of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.

During the same period contracts for additional transportation of the mail in stages for about 260,000 miles have been made, and for 70,000 miles annually on horse back. 714 new post offices have been established within the year, and the increase of revenue within the last three years, as well as the augmentation of the transportation by mail, is more than equal to the whole amount of receipts and of mail conveyance at the commencement of the present century, when the seat of the General Government was removed to this place.

It extends, a widely interrupted belt, from a very small grove on the middle fork of the American River to the head of Deer Creek, a distance of about 260 miles, its northern limit being near the thirty-ninth parallel, the southern a little below the thirty-sixth. The elevation of the belt above the sea varies from about 5000 to 8000 feet.

He read it to me, and my recollection of it is that he suggested two principal lines of movement in the West, one, to move eastward by the Kanawha valley with a heavy column to co-operate with an army in front of Washington; the other, to march directly southward and to open the valley of the Mississippi. Scott's answer to it is given in General Townsend's "Anecdotes of the Civil War," p. 260.

In September he returned to Paris apparently much better, but on October 2 he was seized with sudden illness, and three days later he was dead. A few years before the death of Hippolyte his father and mother had died almost at the same time. M. Ballet had left to each of his sons a fortune of some 260,000 francs.

If the nobility thereupon succeeded in setting aside the decemvirs, it is certainly conceivable that after their fall the plebs should once more assemble in arms with a view to secure the results both of the earlier revolution of 260 and of the latest movement; and the Valerio-Horatian laws of 305 can only be understood as forming a compromise in this conflict. The Valerio-Horatian Laws

On the other hand, one man had only 2 shillings due to him, while a couple of men who had worked in poor ground found themselves 2 shillings in debt, and had to ask for "subsist." Some time previous to this, two men had discovered a "bunch of copper," and in the course of two months they cleared 260 pounds.