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For example, we read: Class 286, brushes; 295, sleighs; 300, elementary instruction; 301, academies and high schools, colleges and universities; 305, libraries, history, etc.; 306, school-books, general and miscellaneous literature, encyclopædias, newspapers; 311, learned and scientific associations, artistic, biological, zoological and medical schools, astronomical observatories; 313, music and the drama.

We may note, too, that gods like Ptah and Amen, whose reputation was so great in later times, and even when our text was copied in 305 B.C., find no mention at all. The Egyptians believed that at one time all the great gods and goddesses lived upon earth, and that they ruled Egypt in much the same way as the Pharaohs with whom they were more or less acquainted.

Williamson's "History of Maine," 1:305. The Public Domain: Its History, etc.:38. Pennsylvania: Colony and Commonwealth:66, 84, etc. Their claim to inherit proprietary rights was bought at the time of the Revolutionary War by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for £130,000 sterling or about $580,000. Colonial Documents, iv:463. Ibid.:535. Ibid.:39. Colonial Documents, iv:528.

Estimating slaves at 20l. each; ivory, 350l.; camwood, 25l.; rice, 10l.; wax, 100l.; and Malaguetta pepper, 10l. per ton, at first cost upon the coast of Africa; the whole produces the sum of 305,500l. sterling; to which may be added a three-fold export to leeward, which will make an aggregate amount of nearly one million sterling.

Vannozza's will, in the archives of the Capitol, Cred. xiv, T. 72, p. 305, among the instruments drawn by the notary Andrea Carosi. In the diary of Marino Sanuto, vol. xxvi, fol. 135. The State of Ferrara again found itself in serious difficulties, for Leo X, following the example of Alexander VI, was trying to build up a kingdom for his nephew Lorenzo de' Medici.

The same holds with the Malays of Sumatra, the Hottentots, certain Negroes, and the natives of Brazil. On the Huns, Godron, 'De l'Espece, tom. ii. 1859, p. 300. On the Tahitians, Waitz, 'Anthropology, Eng. translat. vol. i. p. 305. Marsden, quoted by Prichard, 'Phys. Hist. of Mankind, 3rd edit. vol. v. p. 67. This fact was ascertained in the 'Reise der Novara: Anthropolog. Theil. Dr.

The plan of Florence in 1427 shows a group of twenty unmistakable 'insulae', each of them about 1-1/8 acre in area, that is, very similar in size to the 'insulae' of Turin. This group is bounded by the modern streets Tornabuoni on the west, Porta Rossa on the south, Calzaioli on the east, Teatina on the north; it covers a rectangle of some 305 x 327 yds., not quite 21 acres.

The latter that there were TWELVE MILLION ACRES under pasture, and, in addition, that there were nearly THREE MILLION ACRES of green crop and THREE MILLION ACRES of clover. The addition to the cattle-feeding land was eight million acres; yet the number of cattle in 1696 was 4,500,000, and in 1874, 4,305,400. Of sheep, in 1696, there were 11,000,000, and in 1874, 19,889,758.

The production for Great Britain was 321.7 million tons; for Germany 305.7 million tons; for Austria-Hungary 60.6 million tons. No other country reported a production of as much as fifty million tons. In 1915 the United States produced 40.5 per cent of the world's coal; in 1917 44.2 per cent; in 1918 46.2 per cent. Copper has become one of the world's chief metals.

It has been quite mistakenly suggested that Westwood was Otway's theatrical name. Westwood was a professional actor of mediocre though useful attainments. p. 300 unsuit. A rare form of 'unsuitable'. p. 304 devoir. Endeavour; effort. This passage is quoted in the N.E.D. p. 305 The Representation of the Wedding.