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Georg Waitz, insists on the attachment of the Teutonic kindred to the soil, and on the measures by which in the primitive constitutions the war-instinct was checked. The observation of Waitz is just, but a change in environment develops the latent qualities of a race.

Muller then goes on to prove that 'no religion consists of fetichism only, choosing his examples of higher elements in negro religion from the collections of Waitz. It is difficult to see what bearing this has on his argument. Even if no tribe in the world is exclusively devoted to fetiches, the argument makes no progress.

But, on my mother's account, I was never long absent from Hosterwitz. I enjoyed being with her so much. We drove and walked together, and discussed everything the past had brought and the future promised. Yet I longed for academic freedom, and especially to sit at the feet of an Ernst Curtius, and be initiated by Waitz into the methodical study of history.

Spencer's opinion, these savages have words for dreams and dreaming. In 1874 Mr. Howitt's evidence on the moral element in the mysteries was not published. Waitz scouts the idea that the higher Australian beliefs are of European origin. In this chapter it is my object to set certain American Creators beside the African beings whom we have been examining.

See a good discussion on this subject in Waitz, 'Introduction to Anthropology, Eng. translat., 1863, pp. 198-208, 227. Cases of this kind occur in the Order which includes man, namely in certain genera of monkeys; whilst in other genera, as in Cercopithecus, most of the species can be determined with certainty.

On the beards of negroes, Vogt, 'Lectures, etc. p. 127; Waitz, 'Introduct. to Anthropology, Engl. translat. 1863, vol. i. p. 96. In the Ellice group all the inhabitants belong to the same race; yet on one island alone, namely Nunemaya, "the men have splendid beards"; whilst on the other islands "they have, as a rule, a dozen straggling hairs for a beard." Dr.

The remarks of Waitz may be cited in full: 'The religion of the negro may be considered by some as a particularly rude form of polytheism and may be branded with the special name of fetishism.

But, on my mother's account, I was never long absent from Hosterwitz. I enjoyed being with her so much. We drove and walked together, and discussed everything the past had brought and the future promised. Yet I longed for academic freedom, and especially to sit at the feet of an Ernst Curtius, and be initiated by Waitz into the methodical study of history.

I have given an account of Dr. That acclimatisation plays a part, is shewn by the many cases in which negroes have become somewhat liable to tropical fevers, after having resided for some time in a colder climate. Quatrefages, 'Unite de l'Espece Humaine, 1861, p. 205. Waitz, 'Introduction to Anthropology, translat., vol. i. 1863, p. 124.

In addition you must know your Westermarck on Human Marriage, and your Waitz Anthropologie, and your Topinard not that you need expect to go measuring people's skulls and chests as this last named authority expects you to do, for no self-respecting person black or white likes that sort of thing from the hands of an utter stranger, and if you attempt it you'll get yourself disliked in West Africa.