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Yet the Pall Mall Gazette is not ashamed to lend itself to this lie on the chance of catching a few fluttering minds and nailing them to the mast of Home Rule on the false supposition that this means justice to the oppressed tenant and wholesome restraint of the brutal proprietor.

But there would be so many things to see; not the least among them would be the Queen and Prince Albert, and the royal children, who were often out driving, and the Mall and the Row, and the palaces, and the Tower, and the great British Museum! Daisy thought, if she went everywhere, it would take a whole lifetime.

Gladstone been seated in power than Mr. George Smith handed over the Pall Mall Gazette to his son-in-law, Mr. Henry Yates Thompson. Mr. Greenwood departed to found and edit the St. James' Gazette, and Mr. Morley became editor. Even then I never dreamed of going to the Pall Mall. Two other North-country editors and I, thinking that Mr.

Now and then he essays to draw a character: but it is analytically, by description, not synthetically and dramatically, by letting the man exhibit himself in action; and in the 'Duchess of Mall' he falls into the great mistake of telling, by Antonio's mouth, more about the Duke and the Cardinal than he afterwards makes them act.

On the other hand, I see no reason why these untrodden lines should be pronounced impossible, as a writer in the "Pall Mall" has lately done, deterring the explorer from work which every day would cover new ground. His main difficulty would be the heavy outlay; "impecuniosity" to him would represent the scurvy and potted cat of the old Arctic voyager.

SCENE V. The Street. Enter Sir Timothy Tawdrey, Sham and Sharp. Sir Tim. Now, Sham, art not thou a damn'd lying Rogue, to make me saunter up and down the Mall all this Morning, after a Woman that thou know'st in thy Conscience was not likely to be there? Sham. Why, Sir if her Maid will be a jilting Whore, how can I help it?

If the workman does not read, however, he talks. At present he talks for the most part on the pavement and in public-houses, but there is every indication that we shall see before long a rapid growth of workmen's clubs not the tea-and-coffee make-believes set up by the well-meaning, but honest, independent clubs, in every respect such as those in Pall Mall, managed by the workmen themselves, who are not, and never will become, total abstainers, but have shown themselves, up to the present moment, strangely tolerant of those weaker brethren who can only keep themselves sober by putting on the blue ribbon.

"Conduct these gentleman to the Pretorium, on the Mall, my friend, they have disgraced themselves through over-eating." "Am I not good at jokes?" said Nicole to him. "The farce is good, but it is fetid," replied he, laughing. This royal answer showed the courtiers that this time the king did not intend to play with their heads, for which they thanked heaven.

"Nay," said Dorothy; "Mall Whitelock bade her to supper in Long Lane. I heard them discoursing of the same." "And what news abroad, Father?" asked Mistress Winter. "Pray you, give me leave to help you to another shive of the beef. Father Dan's news was of a minute type.

In his own forcible style the author has endeavored to show that determination and enthusiasm can accomplish marvellous results; and that courage is generally accompanied by magnanimity and gentleness." Pall Mall Gazette. Captain Bayley's Heir: A Tale of the Gold Fields of California. "Mr.