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He had got his ticket of admission to the Casino, after arriving yesterday evening; but the Rooms had not pleased him then. He had not played, and had merely walked through, looking at the people; but now he went to a trente et quarante table, and reaching over the shoulders of the players not so many as in the roulette rooms, he put a five hundred franc note on couleur. It won.

I fancy household work would be more satisfactory and less tiring than doing a season thoroughly, and I mean to go through a course of Finchley manuals in preparation." "I hope you know what you are doing," sighed her uncle. "You see it all couleur de rose." "I think not. It is because it is not couleur de rose that I am so much bent upon it. I have had plenty of that all my life.

One could see nothing that was good. The other could see nothing that was bad. Their readers adopted their opinions; looking through glasses that were deep green, or else couleur de rose. But the green glasses outnumbered the rose-colored more and more every day.

"I am afraid I can't offer you the same cheer that you would give me at the maison Doree," Gilbert said to his friend. "Ca serait gater la couleur locale; oh! some bread-and-cheese, with a bottle of beer, will do very well for me." But there was neither bread nor cheese nor beer; and no kind of abode, however miserable, had M. Souverain ever known to be without bread.

Such was the view from the window of my chamber. I thought I never beheld so fair a scene. Perhaps I was not looking upon it with an impartial eye. The love-light was in my glance, and that may have imparted to it a portion of its couleur de rose. I could not look upon the scene without thinking of that fair being, whose presence alone was wanted to make the picture perfect.

"La pâte de ces brèches est tantôt blanche, tantôt grise, et les fragmens qui y font renfermés font, les uns blancs, les autres gris, d'autres roux, et presque toujours d'une couleur différente de celle de la pâte qui les lit.

Then, after a pause of ten seconds: "Le jeu est fait, messien." Then, after two seconds: "Rien ne va plus." Then mumble mumble mumble. Then, "La' Rouge perd et couleur," or whatever might be the result.

Meantime, Rose and Allan, whose course of love, if it had not suffered so tempestuous a passage, had still flowed for the most part under gloomy skies, were at last in the enjoyment of undisputed sunshine. In this unaccustomed atmosphere the fairest flower of the Macleod family bloomed anew, and her lover at last beheld his prospects couleur de rose.

Grandison insisted on my trying it with the organ after practice. It is exceedingly difficult, you know." Her father did not know, and was inclined to be very angry. The next day, however, he forgot it all in the delight of hearing his daughter's voice resounding through the sacred edifice; Grandison was invited to dinner, and everything was once more couleur de rose.

"Cette pierre porte les caractères des calcaires les plus anciennes; sa couleur est grise, son grain assez fin, on n'y apperçoit aucun vestige de corps organisés; ses couches sont peu épaisses, ondées et coupées fréquemment par des fentes parallèles entr'elles et perpendiculaires