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Ralston qui s'etait assis modestement un peu en dehors du cercle ou j'etais et pendant tout le temps de sa visite, il n'a presque rien dit et c'est a peine si on lui a parle. J'ai trouve ces arrangements mauvais. Les gens qui recoivent doivent souvent changer de place, de facon a causer avec tous leurs visiteurs. "Lundi dernier j'ai dine chez Mr.

After staying overnight here they took a stage, and for a whole day travelled over pleasant roads, through sweet-scented forests of spruce and balsam, broken here by clearings and thrifty farms, until at last the journey ended in the pretty little backwoods settlement of Presque Isle.

At home, too, the cult of appearances went hand in hand with generosity and enthusiasm. "C'est presque un monde," she writes to Voltaire, "

«Le massif sur lequel est situé Beaumont, est coupé presque perpendiculairement

This dissatisfaction was increased when the British government began to build forts on the Susquehanna, and to repair or erect those of Bedford, Ligonier, Pittsburg, Detroit, Presque Isle, St. Joseph and Michilimakinac. By this movement the Indians found themselves surrounded, on two sides, by a cordon of forts, and were threatened with an extension of them into the very heart of their country.

She united, he says, the sweetness of the German lady with the energy of the Arabian, a combination hard to judge of. As to her feet, he adds, I say nothing; for she had scarcely any at all. 'Je ne parle point de ses pieds, elle n'en avait presque pas. 'Poor lady! says a compassionate rustic: 'no feet!

They assembled a body of regular troops, amounting to twelve hundred men, drawn from Detroit, Venango, and Presque Isle; and these, with a number of Indian auxiliaries, were detached under the command of monsieur d'Aubry, on an attempt to reinforce the garrison of Niagara. Sir William Johnston having received intelligence of their design, made a disposition to intercept them in their march.

The Countess snuffed out her cigarette daintily upon the ash tray. "Can one love in vain? Perhaps. /* "'Aimer pour tre aimŽ, c'est de l'homme, Aimer pour aimer, c'est Presque de l'ange." */ "I'm afraid I'm not that kind of an angel." Hilda Ashhurst laughed. "Olga is." "Olga!" exclaimed Hermia with a glance of inquiry. "Haven't you heard?

Excepting a few merchants, they had nothing else to give; and, in the years when the fur trade was cut off, they lived chiefly on the pay they received for supplying the troops and other public services. L'avantage en demeure presque tout entier au profit des habitans et des marchands qui y resident. Ces depenses se font pour leur seurete et pour leur conservation.

In reply, I begged him to explain that the bond was not for the payment of money, and that, even if it should become forfeited, the twenty thousand acres of Presque Isle lands were alone a sufficient security. Witbeck, however, continued to be uneasy for his credit, and teased me to take up his bond by giving other security. I thought this rather unkind, and did not trouble myself about it.