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"Unkind Hermia," said Helena, "it is you who have set Lysander to vex me with mock praises; and your other lover Demetrius, who used almost to spurn me with his foot, have you not bid him call me Goddess, Nymph, rare, precious, and celestial? He would not speak thus to me, whom he hates, if you did not set him on to make a jest of me. Unkind Hermia, to join with men in scorning your poor friend.

And Hermia Miss Challoner was in Switzerland." "Yes. So I hear. Very interesting. But how does that explain things to Pierre de Folligny? He met her the other day and remembered her perfectly " Markham rose and paced the floor. "Oh," he heard her saying, "she denied seeing him in France, of course, but it was quite awkward for her, I mean."

Morning of the next day found Markham in the express to Paris. Evreux was his station, and from there to Verneuil was a little over an hour, most of it along the road he and Hermia had so blithely traveled. The road from Verneuil to VallŽcy he would cover it afoot if there were no vehicles to be begged, borrowed or stolen.

He greeted Hermia with delight, quickly responding to the charm of her juvenility. "I was wondering if I would see you again," he said genuinely. "You see," she laughed, "I don't always pop in feet first." She sat and examined him curiously, and then, after a pause. "What a fraud you are, Mr. Markham!" "A deep-dyed hypocrite I can't see how you can dare look me in the face "

The child rose, rather ruefully, Hermia thought, and took her place upon the mat, where, under Luigi's direction, she went through the exercises which were to keep her young limbs supple for the approaching performances.

Could it be that Olga really cared for this queer Markham of the goggled eyes, this absent-minded, self-centered creature, who rumpled his hair, smoked a pipe and growled his cheap philosophy? A pose, of course, aimed this morning at Hermia. He flattered her. She felt obliged for the line of demarcation he had so carefully drawn between his life and hers.

Hermia had sent it from VallŽcy. A token. In high excitement he examined the obscure postmark again. The accent on the E, a little smudged, but quite legible. Hermia had sent the bell as a token from Vagabondia which meant that she was there in Pre GuŽgou's garden, whither she had fled when her own world had renounced her. She was waiting for him.

His excellence lay largely in the fact that he did not excel. He was content with his subordinate capacity, wise in his confidence that all things would come to him in the end, if he only waited long enough. The same rules which he found so successful in business he now applied to his affair of the heart, and plodded off in the wake of the fast flying Hermia, imperturbable and undismayed.

How often, Hermia, have we two, sitting on one cushion, both singing one song, with our needles working the same flower, both on the same sampler wrought; growing up together in fashion of a double cherry, scarcely seeming parted! Hermia, it is not friendly in you, it is not maidenly to join with men in scorning your poor friend."

You would be as a man who strove against a god." "You may believe what you are saying, Phadrig, and I dare say you do," exclaimed the Prince again. "I don't, because I can't; but even if I did, I would claim your promise. I love this Nitocris, Queen or woman, and neither man nor god shall keep her from me, willing or unwilling. As for the Princess Hermia well, her husband is not dead yet."