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"I am glad to see you looking so much better, Maud," he said, with a trace of embarrassment. "Courthorne is still resting. Now, I can't help feeling that we have been a trifle more distant than was needful with him. The man has really behaved very discreetly. I mean in everything." This was a great admission, and Miss Barrington smiled. "Did it hurt you very much to tell us that?" she asked.

The wind was shaking the windows, and whistling about the building with demoniacal fury as if seeking admission; the band played a popular waltz; and in and out of the open doors came and went groups representative of many ages and many nationalities. "Ferrara," began Sime slowly, "was always a detestable man, with his sleek black hair, and ivory face.

I believe that the military academy could be developed into such an institution, without any necessity of abandoning the direct preparation of the officers for service on the General Staff. By the side of the military sciences proper, which might be limited in many directions, lectures on general scientific subjects might be organized, to which admission should be free.

Worthington, slowly, "I suppose you are ready to sell out." He found it a little difficult to control his voice. "Yes," answered Jethro, "r-ready to sell out." Mr. Worthington was somewhat taken aback by this simple admission. He glanced at Jethro sitting motionless by the window, and in his heart he feared him: he had come into that room when the gas was low, afraid.

The poor child would not leave her, and they profited by a fainting fit to bring her here. It was the proprietor of a wretched lodging-house who, for fear that they would die in his abode, applied for their admission." "And where is she?" "There, in the bed opposite to yours." "And only fifteen?" "At the most." "The age of my eldest daughter!" said Jeanne, unable to restrain her tears.

This Nelson resented, with angry contempt for the halting policy of the weak kingdom. "I have had so much said about the King of Naples' orders only to admit three or four of the ships of our fleet into his ports, that I am astonished. I understood that private orders, at least, would have been given for our free admission.

Her mother had learned of Herndon Hall from a chance traveling companion, and in some way had induced Miss Thompson to waive her strict requirements for admission.

The departments of government were reorganised with due regard to the larger interests now intrusted to their care. The new department of marine and fisheries, rendered necessary by the admission of the maritime provinces, was placed under the direction of Mr. Peter Mitchell, then a member of the senate, who had done so much to bring New Brunswick into the union.

I could do no less than bow, but I kept my hand by my side. "And you, monsieur?" He smiled as at one indulging a childish skirmish of wits; but controlled as his face was, I could see the relief that overspread it at my admission. "My name is Starling. I have a packet for you, monsieur," and he handed me Cadillac's letter.

Attendance at chapel exercises should be made voluntary. The numbers of students in this college should be limited by raising the standard for admission. A reading knowledge of French or of German, to be tested by an oral examination, should be substituted for the present requirements for entrance in those languages. No list of books should be prescribed for the entrance examination in English.