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Most of his children were from home; some seeking em- ployment; some were already settled in homes of their own. A maiden sister shared with him the estate on which he resided, and occupied a portion of the house. Within sight of the house, Seth seated himself with his bundles and the child he had been lead- ing, while Mag walked onward to the house leading Frado. A knock at the door brought Mrs.

Whether it was the swarthy side of his nature, early ripened under the hot Indian sun, that found itself irresistibly drawn to the widening of its humanity in the flaxen fairness of Emmeline, or the Saxon element in him seeking back to its family it might indeed have been both, our nature admitting of such marvellous complexity in its unity, he fell in love with her, if not in the noblest yet in a very genuine, though at the same time very passionate way; and as she had, to use a Scots proverb, a crop for all corn, his attentions were acceptable to her.

The pipe of peace was smoked in the usual form, but the red men were sullen and insolent, and seemed to be seeking a cause of quarrel. Clarke explained that the whites desired only peace, and he asked the wise men to speak for their tribe.

The day dragged on and the weary business kept up until the sun was seeking the western horizon, when a squad of seven cavalrymen on their way from Camp Grant to Tucson happened to hear the firing. They came charging into the battle as enthusiastically as if they were seven hundred, and cut right through the ring of the Apaches.

Miss Brokaw herself unconsciously gave him the opportunity for which he was seeking. "You don't look very happy, Philip," she exclaimed, in a chiding voice, meant only for his ears. "I thought perhaps my coming would make you glad." Philip caught eagerly at the half question in her voice. "I feared you would notice it," he said, quickly.

Was she the prime mover I was seeking, or simply an instrument under the control of another, and yet stronger, personality imaged in the owner of that white hand? There was no means of determining at that moment. Meanwhile, the fingers had left the temple of Madame. The hand was slowly withdrawn.

The little Canadian city where they lived, which stretched its length along the borders of the great lake, became a very popular resort for holiday makers, and many Southerners flocked to the two large hotels, seeking the cooler air of the North.

The great plans he had made would come to nothing after all. His proposition simply did not hold water. He had been seeking a "grubstake," some one to finance another expedition into the virgin Clearwater for half of such gains as he should make.

He did not want to buy gutta-percha or beeswax, because he intended to employ his numerous crew in collecting trepang on the coral reefs outside the river, and also in seeking for bird's nests on the mainland. Those two articles he professed himself ready to buy if there were any to be obtained in that way.

She realized that Knight was trusting to the quickness of her wits; that not only had he overheard Ruthven Smith's talk about the Malindore diamond, but he credited her with having caught the drift of the words, and counted on her loyalty to help him. As he spoke he looked at her with the wistful, seeking look she had seen in his eyes when they were first married.