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F. In the beginning of September Reeve, together with his wife, returned to London, crossed over to Boulogne, and so to Chantilly, where, as the guests of the Due d'Aumale, they spent his 80th birthday. They stayed there till the 12th, and returned, again by Boulogne and London, to Foxholes. It was his last visit to the France he had loved so well. The year was in many respects a sad one.

Cheney had lived for several years in Italy, and his letters always interesting, frequently amusing commonly relate to Italian affairs; but he was a well-read, accomplished, and large-minded man, and in his judgement on literary questions Reeve had great confidence. Audley Square, April 20th.

He stood close to the bars, grasping one in each great hand, and with his face pressed against the steel, he peered at Pete Reeve. The other was very calm. "Howdy, sheriff," he said. "Bringing on another one to look over your bear?" The prisoner's good humor impressed Bull immensely. Here was a man talking commonplaces in the face of death.

He had hardly spoken before the ominous sound was heard, and Bull reached for his gun. For all his bulk of hand and unwieldy arms, the gun came smoothly, swiftly into his hand. He would have had an ordinary man covered, long before the latter had his gun muzzle-clear of the leather. But Pete Reeve was no ordinary man. His arm jerked down; his fingers flickered down and up.

Reeve is funny beyond anything; his face is the most humorous mask I ever saw in my life. I think him much more comical than Liston. GREAT RUSSELL STREET, February 24, 1832. I have this moment received your letter, and though rather disappointed myself, I am glad you are to see Dorothy as well as we, so that your visit southward is to be two pleasures instead of one.

"Open t' door, mon." "Your answer, I say?" said the reeve. "Gi' me an hour to think on't," said the miller. "Agreed," replied the other. "I will be with you after the funeral." And he sprang through the window, and disappeared before Baldwyn could open the door and admit Bess.

It is probably as the editor of this remarkable book that Reeve will be best known to future generations, and it is therefore well to relate the story in a clear and detailed manner. From the first, Reeve was fully alive to the responsibility he was undertaking; and the following memorandum was apparently drawn up at the time of Greville's death.

I, myself, have been obliged to act as many parts as a poor player to please you, and now you dismiss me at a moment's notice, as if I had played them indifferently, whereas the most fastidious audience would have been ravished with my performance. This morning I was the reeve of the forest, and as such obliged to assume the shape of a rascally attorney. I felt it a degradation, I assure you.

But, after all, it was beginning to occur to him that it might not be wise to kill the man in the presence of other people. They might attempt to correct him with the assistance of a rope and a limb of a tree. Somewhere he must cut in ahead of this Reeve and start out at him if possible. As for his ability to keep pace with a horse he had no doubt that he could do it fairly well.

Whatever those classes might desire, it was not to have "cockle sown" by unauthorised intruders "in the corn" of their ordinary instruction. What availeth all this wit? What? should we speak all day of Holy Writ? The devil surely made a reeve to preach; for which he is as well suited as a cobbler would be for turning mariner or physician!