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And his new comrades would appeal to her, Dermot, strong, capable, one who would always stand out from his fellows; Hunt grave, kindly, well-read; Burke witty, clever and good-hearted. And, little though Violet cared for her own sex, as a rule, surely in Mrs. Dermot she would find a friend.

'He was much more learned, much better read, and had a much more massive mind than most of us, and our ways and talks must have seemed petty and trivial to him. Though there were 'some well-read men and good scholars among us, even they had little taste for the ponderous reading in which Fitzjames delighted. Wills remembers his bringing Hobbes' 'Leviathan' with him, and recreating himself with studying it after his day's work.

"And the Vice-Governor, too he is a nice man, is he not?" inquired Manilov with renewed blinkings of the eyes. "Who? The Vice-Governor? Yes, a most worthy fellow!" replied Chichikov. "And what of the Chief of Police? Is it not a fact that he too is in the highest degree agreeable?" "Very agreeable indeed. And what a clever, well-read individual!

Sophia Furnival was, as I have said, a clever, attractive girl, handsome, well-read, able to hold her own with the old as well as with the young, capable of hiding her vanity if she had any, mild and gentle to girls less gifted, animated in conversation, and yet possessing an eye that could fall softly to the ground, as a woman's eye always should fall upon occasions.

If they are nothing more than well-read men, or men of information, they have not what specially deserves the name of culture of mind, or fulfils the type of Liberal Education.

A well-read friend of mine suddenly said to me in a conversation we were holding the other day about Sir Thomas Browne's religion, 'The truth is, he said, 'Browne was nothing short of a Pelagian, and that largely accounts for his popularity on the Continent of his day. That was a stroke of true criticism.

The main thing is that you should not let him get into business relations with you, or into any other kind of relations, for that matter." Her English was a striking improvement upon what it had been sixteen years before. As we continued to talk it became evident to me that she was a well-read, well-informed woman. I made some efforts to break her reserve, but they failed.

Which proves that in all other countries of the world a shopkeeper is a shopkeeper; while in France, and in Paris more particularly, he is a student from a College Royal, a well-read man with a taste for art, or angling, or the theatre, and consumed, it may be, with a desire to be M. Cunin-Gridaine's successor, or a colonel of the National Guard, or a member of the General Council of the Seine, or a referee in the Commercial Court.

He was a tall dark man of thirty-five, with more than the average endowment of good looks. He could tell a good story, had shot big game in most parts of the world, was well-read, intelligent, possessed unexceptionable manners, and yet Well, Winter had none of his various qualifications, but I would at any time far rather have had one friend like Winter than a hundred like the other man.

The dislike to traders and manufacturers, which is very strong in those counties, such as Cheshire and Warwickshire, which environ great commercial centres, arises not from the folly of thinking commerce a low occupation, but because the county gentry have different tastes, habits and modes of thought from men who have worked their way up from the counting-room, and do not, as the phrase goes, "get on" with them, any more than a Wall street broker ordinarily gets on with a well-read, accomplished member of the Bar.