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Careful analysis of the situation has shown that a fat-soluble vitamine is present which can in the laboratory be separated from the fat.

Lard and the vegetable fats and oils, like nut or vegetable margarine and cottonseed-oil, do not contain this substance, but if there is sufficient milk in the diet, there will be plenty of this "fat-soluble vitamine." In all other respects the fats are alike from a nutritional standpoint. One fat can replace another without harm.

This same vitamine is present in a variety of food materials in whole milk, in egg yolks, in leaves of plants but we have not studied it long enough to know just how much spinach we can substitute for a tablespoonful of butter so far as the vitamine is concerned. We must await further investigations.

To my knowledge I had never consciously eaten vitamines unless a vitamine was what gave guaranteed strictly fresh string beans, as served at a table-d'hôte restaurant, that peculiar flavor. Here all along I had figured it was the tinny taste of the can, which shows how ignorant one may be touching on vitally important matters.

The other vitamine is more widely distributed in our foods, so that with our varied diet there is little danger of not getting enough. Milk, therefore, fills all the needs of the child, except, perhaps, for iron, and is one of the best foods in the diet of grown people.

He further instructed them as to the constitution of a balanced diet protein for building, starches or sugar for energy, and fats for heating and also for their vitamine content. The Whipples, it is to be feared, were now inattentive. They appeared to listen, but they were merely surveying with acute interest the now revealed lower half of Dave Cowan.

It takes pounds of carrots to give the same amount, or 7 pounds of white bread or the impossible quantity of 21 pounds of beef! Among the most necessary constituents of milk are the two vitamines. One is present chiefly in the fat and the other in the watery part of the milk. Without milk fat, in whole milk or in butter, we run considerable risk of having too little of the fat-soluble vitamine.