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Nebich!" by which, in smiting mother tongue, he branded his offspring with attributes of apostate and ne'er-do-well, of idiot and thief. "Abrahm!" "Schlemmil!" repeated Mr. Kantor, swinging Leon so that he described a large semicircle that landed him into the meaty and waiting embrace of his mother. "Take him! You should be proud of such a little momser for a son!

"Hush it!" cried Mr. Kantor, his free hand raised in threat of descent, and cowering his small son to still more undersized proportions. "Hush it or, by golly! I'll " "Abrahm Abrahm what is it?" Then Mr. Kantor gave vent in acridity of word and feature. "Schlemmil!" he cried. "Momser! Ganef!

"Don't 'say, pop' me! I don't want no street-bum freshness from you!" "I mean, papa, there was an up-town swell in, and she bought one of them seventy-five-cent candlesticks for the first price." "Schlemmil! Chammer!" said Mr. Kantor, rinsing his hands at the sink. "Didn't I always tell you it's the first price, times two, when you see up-town business come in?

"Don't 'say pop' me! I don't want no street-bum freshness from you!" "I mean, papa, there was an uptown swell in, and she bought one of them seventy-five-cent candlesticks for the first price," "Schlemmil Chammer!" said Mr. Kantor, rinsing his hands at the sink. "Didn't I always tell you it's the first price times two when you see up-town business come in?

"Hush it!" cried Mr. Kantor, his free hand raised in threat of descent and cowering his small son to still more undersized proportions. "Hush it, or, by golly, I'll " "Abrahm Abrahm what is it?" Then Mr. Kantor gave vent in acridity of word and feature. "Schlemmil!" he cried. "Momser! Ganef! Nebich!"

By which Abrahm Kantor, in smiting mother tongue, branded his offspring with attributes of apostate and ne'er-do-well, of idiot and thief. "Abrahm!" "Schlemmil!" repeated Mr. Abrahm, swinging Leon so that he described a large semi-circle that landed him into the meaty and waiting embrace of his mother. "Take him! You should be proud of such a little Momser for a son!