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The professor was very grave, and it was quite a different man to the light-hearted little Italian that I knew who related to me a strange chapter in his life. As a young man, Pesca had belonged to, a secret society for the removal of tyrants. He was still a member of the society, and could be called upon to act at any time.

For my own part I was so startled by the change in the Count's face, so astounded at the entirely unexpected turn which events had taken, that I knew neither what to say or do next. Pesca roused me by stepping back to his former place at my side and speaking first. "How the fat man stares!" he exclaimed. "Is it at ME? Am I famous? How can he know me when I don't know him?"

A light was in the hall, and I stole up with it to my workroom to make my preparations, and absolutely to commit myself to an interview with the Count, before either Laura or Marian could have the slightest suspicion of what I intended to do. A letter addressed to Pesca represented the surest measure of precaution which it was now possible for me to take. I wrote as follows

"I said," persisted Pesca, "that my life belonged to my dear friend, Walter, for the rest of my days and so it does. I said that I should never be happy again till I had found the opportunity of doing a good Something for Walter and I have never been contented with myself till this most blessed day.

Exposed to great danger from the falling roofs and timbers of the blazing houses, they were led through the streets of Pesca, and on their way had ample opportunity of witnessing the incredible cruelties exercised by the pirates upon the inhabitants of that ill-fated town.

The moment when I had pointed him out to Pesca at the theatre in the hearing of that stranger by our side, who was looking for him too was the moment that sealed his doom. I remembered the struggle in my own heart, when he and I stood face to face the struggle before I could let him escape me and shuddered as I recalled it.