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Updated: August 12, 2024

Which plainly was proved when this people, becoming proud and regardless of the blessing of the saint, neglected to pay the appointed tribute. Of the Sentence pronounced on Murinus. And the saint having blessed and bidden farewell unto the inhabitants of Dublinia, then by the power of his miracles confirmed in the faith, preparing himself for the like work, set forward on his journey.

Including the frugivorous section about sixteen species have been identified in Ceylon; and remarkable varieties of two of these are peculiar to the island. The colours of some of them are as brilliant as the plumage of a bird, bright yellow, deep orange, and a rich ferruginous brown inclining to red. Hipposideros murinus, var. fulvus, Kelaart. Hipposideros speoris, var. aureus, Kelaart.

Therefore, even to this day, it is among the Irish a frequent imprecation on a feigned sleeper, Mayest thou sleep, as at the word of Saint Patrick Murinus slept! Foylge is punished with a double Death, and the deceiving Fiend is driven out of his body.

He believes that the power of stridulation in the Clythra has not been previously observed. I am also much indebted to Mr. E.W. Janson, for information and specimens. I may add that my son, Mr. F. Darwin, finds that Dermestes murinus stridulates, but he searched in vain for the apparatus. Scolytus has lately been described by Dr.

And he came unto a neighboring town, which is now called the Castle Cnoc, where a certain infidel named Murinus governed. Him did the saint desire to lead into the path of life; but this son of death, hearing the fame of his virtue and of his wisdom, which he feared no one could resist, absented himself from the saint, even as from a fierce enemy.

Dancing, universality of. Danger-signals of animals. Daniell, Dr., his experience of residence in West Africa. Darfur, protuberances artificially produced by natives of. Darwin, F., on the stridulation of Dermestes murinus. Dasychira pudibunda, sexual difference of colour in. Davis, A.H., on the pugnacity of the male stag-beetle.

Denison, Sir W., manner of ridding themselves of vermin among the Australians; extinction of Tasmanians. Denny, H., on the lice of domestic animals. Dermestes murinus, stridulation of. Descent traced through the mother alone. Deserts, protective colouring of animals inhabiting.

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