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He swore he could well believe it; that all the Lovats were made of the same meal and the devil was the miller that ground that; then suddenly shaking me by the hand, he vowed I was a pretty enough fellow after all, that it was a thousand pities I had been neglected, and that if he could find the time, he would give an eye himself to have me educated.

He swore he could well believe it; that all the Lovats were made of the same meal and the devil was the miller that ground that; then suddenly shaking me by the hand, he vowed I was a pretty enough fellow after all, that it was a thousand pities I had been neglected, and that if he could find the time, he would give an eye himself to have me educated.

And then our troubles weren't over. The firebays we found crammed with the infantry we were relieving a helpless, hopeless mob and it wasn't till midnight that we had the place to ourselves. We could only man every second or third bay lightly, and our left flank was in the air the 159th Brigade on our left, being about 120 yards away. Lovats were in, and to the south of, the Dere.

I had been asked, when I left Dorlin, to pay one or two other visits in the Highlands farther north to the Sutherlands at Dunrobin, the Munro Fergusons at Novar, and the Lovats at Beaufort.

"The Master of Lovat'll be a braw Whig," says I, "and a grand Presbyterian." "I ken naething by him," said he. "I hae nae trokings wi' Lovats." "No, it'll be Prestongrange that you'll be dealing with," said I. "Ah, but I'll no tell ye that," said Andie. "Little need when I ken," was my retort. "There's just the ae thing ye can be fairly sure of, Shaws," says Andie.