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'Dod, man, aw 'm the lad that'll lairn ye the pronoonciation, said Logan, and he was going. 'Wait, said Merton, 'sign me a paper giving me leave to treat about the ransom. And promise that, if I don't reappear by the eleventh, you won't negotiate at all. 'Not likely I will, said Logan. Merton lay in bed inventing imaginary dialogues to be rendered into Scots as occasion served.

The following morning, when she entered, to her surprise, the little girl found him seated in the back of the room, his lunch in a newspaper beside him, his books in a strap at his feet. "Ay kome tow lairn again," he said, and then waited until she assigned him a desk. He was so interested in the little girl that, for the first hour after school was called, he forgot to watch the young Pole.

Then, my dear Baron, while you are here forget it all.” “And yet,” said the Baron, still thoughtfully, “somzing I should lairn here.” “Certainly; you will learn something of what goes on underneath a waistcoat and a little of the contents of a corset and petticoat. Also of the strange customs of this city and the excellence of British institutions.”

If you wish to learn that a great number of years ago a vast quantity of inconsequent events occurred, or that in an otherwise amusing enough world there are here and there collected so many roomfuls of cheerless articles, I can strongly recommend a visit to the Tower of London or the British Museum.” “In mine own gontry,” said the Baron, thoughtfully, “I can lairn zo moch.”

You vil vunder, Bonker,” he said, “how I did gom to know ze Lady Grillyer.” “I envied, certainly,” replied his friend, with a side glance at the now purring Countess. “She vas of my introdogtions, bot till after you vent out zis morning I did not lairn her name. Zen I said to myself, ‘Ze sun shines, Himmel is kind! Here now is ze fair Lady Grillyermy introdogtion!’ and zo zat is how, you see.”

He served his customers with his wicked old face glowing with smiles, and when a moment's breathing-time came he observed: "We all 'az hour lettle surbrizes in dis wairld, an' I most confaiss I am asdonished myself to lairn that Mess Mosgrave is a thief " But here a crashing among the glassware announced that Tommy Dartmoor had begun shooting with his left hand, and Herr Gustave sputtered out from behind the fingers he held before his face, "Ach Gott!

“I have many,” replied Mr Bunker; “in fact, I have few positive ideas left.” “Bot mine is a particulair doubt. Do I lairn enoff?” “My own conception of enough learning, Baron, is a thing like a threepenny-bitthe smallest coin one can do one’s marketing with.” “And yet,” said the Baron, solemnly, “for my own share, I am not satisfied.

I vould lairn more of ze British institutions; so far I haf lairned of ze pleasures only.” “My dear Baron, they are the British institutions.” The Baron shook his head and fell to his paper again, while Mr Bunker stretched himself on the sofa and gazed through his cigar-smoke at the ceiling. Suddenly the Baron gave an exclamation of horror. “My dear Baron, what is the matter?”

Goot, goot!” he cried. “Ach, yah, zo.” “Am I right, sir, in supposing that, despite the perfection of your English accent, I cannot be fortunate enough to claim you as a countryman?” asked the stranger. He unburdened his heart with a rush. “You have ze right. I am Deutsch. I have gom to England zis day for to lairn and to amuse myself.