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De fen be very unwholesome, and I drink-a-de ponch vid Raven de butler, to keep out de bad air. Fatout! I insist on your being sober. Oui, monsieur; I vil be as sober as de reverendissime pere Jean. I should be ver glad of de merry maid; but de butler be de odd fish, and he swim in de bowl de ponch. Ah! ah! I am overwhelmed: I never saw the rascal in such a condition before.

You can pick out dat rich quartz and pack it down to the crick and vash out the pure quill golt; but dat ore of Old Bunk's is all mixed oop with lead and zinc, and with antimonia too. You vil haf to buy the sacks, and pay the freight, and the smelter charges, too; and dese custom smelters they penalize you for everyt'ing, and cheat you out of what's left.

Yet the number of citizens still exceeded the measure of subsistence; their precarious food was supplied from the harvests of Egypt and Lybia; and the frequent repetitions of famine betray the inattention of the emperors to a distant provice." GIBBON, vil. viii. c. xlv. 162.

It proved to be a fragment of dis-colored marble, on which several letters were inscribed, of which the only part at all decipherable was the syllable "Vil." "Vil Villa!" he cried out, in his excitement dropping the marble, which was broken into atoms by the fall. What else could this fragment be but the sole surviving remnant of some sumptuous mansion that once had stood on this unrivaled site?

Horryvar, mong vioo. Dinna forget the cowslips for hersel. Cornfide. Wha gev ye thon colt? Pal to pal. Jannock. Of John Thomas, her spouse. No fake, old man Leo. S'elp me, honest injun. Shiver my timbers if I had. There's a great big holy friar. Vyfor you no me tell? Vel, I ses, if that aint a sheeny nachez, vel, I vil get misha mishinnah. Through yerd our lord, Amen. You move a motion?

"I must confess, sir," said Jones, "I have not heard so favourable an account of them as they seem to deserve." "Me vil tell you," said the king, "how the difference is between you and us. My people rob your people, and your people rob one anoder." Jones afterwards proceeded very gravely to sing forth the happiness of those subjects who live under such a magistrate.

He hit him as though he was a German private. Bert went back, white and scared, but resolved by all his Cockney standards upon one thing. He was bound in honour to "go for" the Prince. "Gaw!" he gasped, buttoning his jacket. "Now," cried the Prince, "Vil you go?" and then catching the heroic gleam in Bert's eye, drew his sword.

Then she slowly advanced again, and, instead of pouring the contents of the pail into a larger dish as was her errand, she placed it on the table by Rupert, and said, smilingly: "Vil you have a drink of varm milk?" "Thank you, thank you." Then she went back. Warm milk! What could be more delicious? Rupert sipped the sweet fluid. How it invigorated him and surcharged him with new life.

"The poor old marquis rose up, and clasping his hands, fell on his knees before Count Cagl Bah! I went by a different name then. Vat's in a name? Dat vich ve call a Rosicrucian by any other name vil smell as sveet. 'Monsieur, he said, 'I am old I am rich. I have five hundred thousand livres of rentes in Picardy. I have half as much in Artois.

C'est l'ascension bleue a son premier degre; Hors de l'antique et vil decombre, Hors de la pesanteur, c'est l'avenir fonde; C'est le destin de l'homme a la fin evade, Qui leve l'ancre et sort de l'ombre!