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In a significant passage of "La Sagesse et la Destinée," Maeterlinck says: "On nous affirme que toutes les grandes tragédies ne nous offrent pas d'autre spectacle que la lutte de l'homme contre la fatalité. Je crois, au contraire, qu'il n'existe pas une seule tragédie la fatalité règne réellement. J'ai beau les parcourir, je n'en trouve pas une le héros combatte le destin pur et simple.

The tea's as cold as a stone!" "Le bien nous le faisons: le mal c'est la Fortune. On a toujours raison, le Destin toujours tort." Upon the early morning of the day commemorated by the historical events of our last chapter, two men were deposited by a branch coach at the inn of a hamlet about ten miles distant from the town in which Mr. Roger Morton resided.

I have this whole week been immersed in all the provincial business of a justice, a juryman, and a candidate; and yesterday was forced to open my trenches before the town as one who intended to humbug them for one seven years more. J'ignore le destin qui le ciel me prepare, Mais il est temps enfin qu' larbe se declare.

Pourquoi moques-tu ton esclave Qui sert un destin immortel!" Here a sudden rustle in the leaves on the other side of the hedge startled her, and a curious-looking human head adorned profusely with somewhat disordered locks of red hair perked up enquiringly. Cicely jumped back with an exclamation. "Saint Moses! What is it?" "It is me! Merely me!" and Sir Morton Pippitt's quondam guest, Mr.

"It reminds me of a verse I read," and drawing a small volume from his pocket he turned the pages quickly. "Ah, here it is," and he marked some lines with a pencil. "There!" Alice took the volume and began to read in a low voice: "Je n'aimais qu'elle au monde, et vivre un jour sans elle Me semblait un destin plus affreux que la mort.

A map lay stretched on the table before him; he took his compasses, and measuring distances on it with an idle hand, repeated the lines of one of his favourite poets: "J'ai servi, commandé, vaincu quarante années; Du monde, entre mes mains, j'ai vu les destinées; Et j'ai toujours connu qu'en chaque événement Le destin des états dépendait d'un moment."

"Onward! onward!" cries the voice of youth; whether it may be that the days are bright, passing in joy and tranquillity, and we can say with the greatest French poet of the present day ay, the greatest, however it may seem Beranger, "Sur une onde tranquille, Voguant soir et matin, Ma nacelle est docile Au souffle du destin. La voile s'enfie-t-elle, J'abandonne le bord.

Omissible here; the fixity of purpose being plain otherwise to Voltaire and us. "Je suis homme, il suffit, et ne pour la souffrance; Aux rigueurs du destin j'oppose ma constance. But with these sentiments, I am far from condemning Cato and Otho. "Croyez que si j'etais Voltaire, Et particulier comme lui, Me contentant du necessaire, Je verrais voltiger la fortune legere,"

One poor captive, who showed a cheerful desire to make the best of his lot, inscribed upon the wall of his cell these lines, which Lydia copied for you: Malgré les ennuis d'une longue souffrance, Et le cruel destin dont je subis la loy, Il est encor des biens pour moy, Le tendre amour et la douce espérance.

'Twas the "Consolation" of Malherbe, and, as Calvert sang, the tenderness and melancholy beauty of both words and music struck the whole company into silence: "'Mais elle était du monde les plus belles choses Ont le pire destin, Et, rose, elle a vécu ce que vivent les roses L'espace d'un matin.