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He took her out sleighing on the last remnant of the snow, very thin and bumpy, and utilized the occasion to put his arm around her waist. She cried "Laisse-moi tranquille, Jean!" boxed his ears, and said she thought he must be out of his mind. The following Saturday afternoon he craftily came behind her in the stable as she was milking the cow, and bent her head back and kissed her on the face.

Madam de Luxembourg gave me a reprimand. The surgeon, valet de chambre of the marechal, maintained it was not the gout, and dressed the suffering part with beaume tranquille. Unfortunately the pain subsided, and when it returned the same remedy was had recourse to. The constitution of the marechal was weakened, and his disorder increased, as did his remedies in the same proportion.

"You forgot that I said she deserved that description twenty-one years ago." "Ah, so you did; but some ladies are always young. 'Age, says a wit in the 'Figaro, 'tis a river which the women compel to reascend to its source when it has flowed onward more than twenty years. Never mind: 'soyez tranquille; I will find your Duval yet if she is to be found.

Que le visage ne paroisse point fantastique, changeant, égaré, rauy en admiration, couuert de tristesse, divers & volage, & ne fasse paroître aucun signe d'vn esprit inquiet: Au contraire, qu'il soil ouuert & tranquille, mais qu'il ne soit pas trop épanoüy de joye dans les affaires serieuses, ny trop retiré par vne grauité affectée dans la conversation ordinaire & familiere de la vie humaine.

O laissez les tranquille! Ils se retournerons, Chacun sa queue apres lui." Mrs. Dunlee and Kyzie were just behind the children, and while Bab was repeating the verse Kyzie said in a low tone: "Oh, mamma, let me walk with you all the way, please. There's something I want to talk about." She looked so earnest that Mrs. Dunlee wondered not a little what it was her eldest daughter had to say.

Ah! je respire enfin, et ma joie est extrême Que le traître une fois se soit trahi lui-même. Libre des soins cruels j'allais m'engager, Ma tranquille fureur n'a plus qu'

Following these exorcists, and two Carmelite monks, named Pierre de Saint-Thomas and Pierre de Saint-Mathurin, who had, from the very beginning, pushed their way in when anything was going on, came four Capuchins sent by Pere Joseph, head of the Franciscans, "His grey Eminence," as he was called, and whose names were Peres Luc, Tranquille, Potais, and Elisee; so that a much more rapid advance could be made than hitherto by carrying on the exorcisms in four different places at once viz., in the convent, and in the churches of Sainte-Croix, Saint-Pierre du Martroy, and Notre-Dame du Chateau.

She then began to tear her hair in handfuls; and kept alternately brandishing knives, forks, pots, logs of wood, in short, whatever her hand fell upon in the course of her fury, at her poor passive help-mate, who appeared to consider the storm with a nonchalance, which evidently could only have been produced by very long experience; while he kept saying to us all the time, "Soyez tranquille, Monsieur; ce n'est rien que cela."

A gust of wind and the whole thing blows away. But at least they are certain of losing nothing. It is this assurance which gives to the marquis that air of raillery worthy of a Father Tranquille which he has when he looks at you with both hands in his pockets, as much as to say: "Ah, well, and what then? What can they do to me?"

Immediately the words evoke the chaste vision sung by Leconte de Lisle, in his poem "l'Epiphanie": Elle passe, tranquille, en un rêve divin, Sur le bord du plus frais de tes lacs, ô Norvège! Le sang rose et subtil qui dore son col fin Est doux comme un rayon de l'aube sur la neige.