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The milking stopped, a cowbell tinkled as the cow turned her inquiring face, and a girl's light-brown head of hair was thrust out of the doorway soon followed by the girl herself, slender, eighteen, red-cheeked, fresh and smiling. "Good evening," said Peer, stretching out his hand.

Usually at the back is a small partition, behind which a rough shelf can be found, laden with the day's milking and cheese. The whole family sleep in the hut, no division separating the men from the women. But the Montenegrin peasant sleeps in his clothes, so privacy is considered unnecessary. Dr. S. was here officially to inspect the flocks, and had an appointment with the district captain.

A moment later Will, still milking, heard himself loudly called from the gate. The voice he knew well enough, but it was pitched unusually high, and denoted a condition of excitement and impatience very seldom to be met with in its possessor. Martin Grimbal, for it was he, did not observe Blanchard, as the farmer emerged from the byre.

Carl nodded to him and hurried up the draw, past the garden, and into the pasture where the milking cows used to be kept. The dawn in the east looked like the light from some great fire that was burning under the edge of the world. The color was reflected in the globules of dew that sheathed the short gray pasture grass.

Camphorated oil has a tendency to dry up the secretion of the gland and is used advisedly. Lumps in Teats. My cow has hard lumps in, her teats and lower part of the bag. These cause pain to her on milking, but there are no other symptoms of disorder. This condition has prevailed several months.

"And be disappointed," quoth Francesca cynically. "Poets see everything by the light that never was on sea or land; still I won't deny that they help the blind, and I should rather like to know if there are still any Nora Creinas and Sweet Peggies and Pretty Girls Milking their Cows." "I am very anxious to visit as many of the Round Towers as possible," said Salemina.

The mob once collected went on steadily until we got them into the paddock, an enclosure half a mile in extent, into which, some bars being removed, most of them eagerly rushed. A few however tried to bolt, but were sent back by the stock whips, and all were fortunately turned in; some to be used for beef, others for branding, while the cows were wanted for milking. "Where is the station?"

The cow is a great loss to us." Just then Mr. Walton came in from the barn. "How do you like the new cow, father?" asked Harry. "She isn't equal to our old one. She doesn't give as much milk within two quarts, if this morning's milking is a fair sample." "You paid enough for her," said Mrs. Walton. "I paid too much for her," answered her husband, "but it was the best I could do.

Up by the dairy stood the three farm-laborers' wives who used to do the milking for the girls on Sunday evening. They were thick-set, small, and bent with toil. They were all talking together and spoke of illnesses and other sad things in plaintive tones.

Then Annie got sick she had exposed herself to the bad weather milking a cow for a neighbor to earn a little money. Then no sooner was she up when a wagon ran over Tobe and hurt his foot so that he could hardly get about. Then the baby came, and their load of trouble was heavier than ever." "A case of true love, without doubt," Mostyn said. "And the prettiest thing on earth," Dolly declared.